Legal first as father wins right to be named on birth certificate of 12-year-old girls who don't know they are is his children
Story here. Excerpt:
Fathers have won the right to be named on their children’s birth certificates as soon as their paternity is proved.
The new legal ruling means that even if a mother has refused to tell her children who their father is, his identity must be immediately revealed on the amended birth certificate.
This significant development in father’s rights came in an Appeal Court judgement yesterday, in the case of a man who has been fighting a long-running battle to see his 12-year-old twin daughters since DNA results established he is their father.
The mother entered another man’s name as the father, and has not told them who the real father is. None of the people involved can be publicly identified.
As part of on-going legal proceedings, a family judge ruled earlier this year that the girls’ birth certificates must be altered.'
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Birth Certs. should be factual...
This is great news, but I am upset that this is not common sense and not automatically upheld by law. No biological father should have to fight for this.
A birth certificate should be a correct record of FACTS that every child should have the right to know.
If I understand correctly, this ruling does change the law (in the UK, where this takes place) making it mandatory for father's names to be placed on birth certificates when proven by DNA.
But I am disappointed to see that in this case, the judge did not make it immediate and gave the girls' 16th birthday as the deadline.
if this were the u.s.- very real scenario
i would hope this guys is loaded. over here she would surely be able to get even.
feminists have it rigged that way. here is what she could do here:
1. as soon a birth cert. is changed, go file for back and future child support (12 + years x 2 $$$$$$$)
2. courts will tack on intere$t, court fee$, hi$ and her$ legal fee$, who know$ what
3. when he can't pay this small/large? fortune, to jail. no trial (as usual)
4. teach kids that new dad is a deadbeat dad, won't pay up
5. new dad will be lucky to ever see them and they will probably be taught to hate him
she has already shown she has no intention of being truthful or fair.
parents rights?
This really should have nothing to do with the parents at all. The birth certificate rightly belongs to the child, NOT either of the parents.
The woman who lies about or does not provide the appropriate information as to paternity is defrauding the child and should be treated accordingly.
What I would like to see is individuals suing their mothers for lies or omission on birth certificates.