CDC: Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence Widespread in the US

Link here. Excerpt:

'On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States, according to findings released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over the course of a year, that equals more than 12 million women and men. Those numbers only tell part of the story – more than 1 million women reported being raped in a year and over 6 million women and men were victims of stalking in a year, the report says.

For women:

* High rates of sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence were reported by women.
o Nearly 1 in 5 women has been raped at some time in her life.
o One in 4 women has been a victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in her lifetime.
o One in 6 women has experienced stalking victimization during her lifetime in which she felt very fearful or believed that she or someone close to her would be harmed or killed. Much of stalking victimization was facilitated by technology, such as unwanted phone calls and text messages.
* Almost 70 percent of female victims experienced some form of intimate partner violence for the first time before the age of 25.
* Approximately 80 percent of female victims of rape were first raped before age 25.
* Female victims of violence (sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner violence) were significantly more likely to report physical and mental health problems than female non–victims.
* Across all forms of violence (sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner violence), the vast majority of victims knew their perpetrator (often an intimate partner or acquaintance and seldom a stranger).

For men:

* About 1 in 7 men has experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime.
* One in 19 men has experienced stalking victimization at some point during their lifetime in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.
* Almost 53 percent of male victims experienced some form of intimate partner violence for the first time before age of 25
* More than one-quarter of male rape victims were first raped when they were 10 years old or younger.
* Male victims of violence (sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner violence) were significantly more likely to report physical and mental health problems than male non-victims.'

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1 in 5 = 1/5 = 20%
1 in 4 = 1/4 = 25%
1 in 6 = 1/6 = 16% about
sum = 61% or almost 2/3 of women are covered here.
follow me now. just getting a ballpark feel for the numbers.

80% of rape victims happen before 25. so mostly young ladies are affected.
2/3 of women in this country is about what .67 x 150 million = 100 million women
with the majority being under 25 y.o.? i guess some get assaulted and such more than once.
he!!, still, that's pretty much all women under 25, and then some. and it is happening all around us?

seems like i would hear some screaming or something if most young women were being assaulted.
wait, i'm going outside. i'm back. nope. nothing to report.
as a matter of fact, i have never seen or heard, in all my years on earth, any woman being assaulted, or stalked.

many folks in this country don't live in the big cities, so you would know if this sort of
thing (24 per minute) was really going on around you. that's about 1440 per hour, or 29 per state,
per hour, 24/7/365, on average. or around 34,000 per day, 691 per state per day, on average? of mostly young women being assaulted or stalked? that must be who all those unknown extra democratic voters are every cycle. lotsa guys outta work i guess got plento time to stalk all those women.

somebody check my femath. i seem to have lost my calculator, and i am sleepy.

golly, i better catch the news before bed to see which 34,000 got assaulted and such today.

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