Wikipedia entry: When it's a man, it's called 'circumcision'

From Wikipedia when you type the word "circumcision":

"This article is about male circumcision. For female circumcision, see Female genital mutilation"

Can anyone tell me why when the victim is female it's called 'mutilation' but when it's a man it's referred to as 'circumcision'-- when by their own admission, it's the same thing? I find this offensive to say the least, and people need to know about this.

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See the discussion page for the topic. Apparently the matter of HIV transmission rates has been a hot topic regarding the article. My instinct is that they (the "Wiki gods") are unlikely to change the text unless there is a serious challenge to it. Can that effectively come from MRAs? I don't know. The Wiki gods have been known to be pretty set in their ways when they make up their minds about something. In any case, here is their contact page.

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One problem with the MRA community is that our efforts are diffused, perhaps diluted would be a better word, in so many directions. There is so much for men to object to in our western culture. We should focus on certain central issues, topics which are winnable in the short term, which have broad public support, and which are irrefutably ethically supportable. I believe circumcision is one of these issues. The women's movement has already proven it can be done, with their campaign about "female genital mutilation."

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I agree red with much of what you said and would very much like to see a concerted effort in Canada to establish a minister for the status of men, as an equal counterpart to that of women (This would apply, in the US, for a counsel for Boys to Men, as proposed by Warren Farrel and others). The only justification ever given for the one sided gender minister has been that men are already more heavily represented in government... But the fact is, that isn't true. The gender of an MP does not define what, if any, gender they "represent", as who's interests they choose to serve depends on their ideology and on their self interests in getting re-elected, and in current times, that means women's interests. There is a distinct difference between the male gender being represented in government, and the male gender being reflected within the governing body. In Canada, the only gender with representation is the one that has a minister with a mandate and a budget to serve that gender's interests, and that gender isn't male.

Once a minister is established, then legitimate government funded studies can be compiled and actions can begin being taken to equalize and balance the genders. But until there is a gender balance in "representation" in our government, how can we possibly hope to have equality? And this is why I think a minister (or counsel in the US), should be the first step. There are plenty of concerns to justify such a counsel, and concern of Male genital mutilation is one such example, but I fear solving the individual, demonstrable problems without establishing a means to fairly investigate and address the more contentious issues will only leave those contentious issues in the lurch.

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Thanks for your comments Kratch. Agreed about representation for men. Those MRAs wishing to be part of a private strategy and tactics discussion should contact Paul Elam at

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