Verizon - Dad-Bashing repeat offender
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-12-08 19:23
Most of you are aware of Verizon's latest Dad-Bashing commercial, Monster but do you remember this Dad-Bashing commercial from several years ago, and the effort Glenn Sacks led to have the ad pulled.
Dad-Bashing is apparently nothing new for Verizon. It appears to be a pattern. Is this really the business model Verizon wants to project to its customers and potential customers? If so, why?
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Than you AvfM
Thanks to "A Voice for Men" website (AVfM) for the heads up on Verizon's past Dad-Bashing ad, and for Glenn Sacks' campaign against it. And thanks to Mensactivism for the MRA synergy on this and other issues.