Barbara Kay: A new front opens in the hate campaign against men
Article here. Excerpt:
'Marketing campaigns funded by high-profile companies drill the message home with slick and costly media ads. That the message is misleading, biased and sexist is rarely noted and virtually always ignored when it is noted.
The latest, and perhaps the most outrageous example of this kind of extreme misandry is the Verizon Foundation’s new, widely distributed video entitled “Monsters,” which portrays the average American home as a secret chamber of horrors, in which a pleasant façade hides terrified mothers and children, stalked by the shadowy figure of the family “monster,” the husband and father. It is chilling to watch; any woman or child ignorant of the actual facts around domestic violence would walk away from it convinced that that they were in imminent peril, and that at any moment their beloved husband or father might transmogrify before their eyes into a veritable Mr Hyde.
I have left three media queries over the past week with the Verizon Foundation’s media communication contacts in order to query them about where they got their facts and statistics, but have received no response. This morning I received notice that a group called SAVE (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments) is charging the Verizon Foundation with misleading the public.'
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They couldn't care less.
Organizations and companies like Verizon,and individuals like the the bellowing windbag Dr Phil,and the media in general who talk about dv, often use this subject as a vehicle to pander the political correct in my opinion.They believe by telling only half of the truth that this will some how elevate their image in the public eyes.If they,told the whole story that female's also abuse and do all the of the evils in equal numbers,it wouldn't have the effect as their sickening pandering.The mindless daytime talk shows thrive on this bs and is a standard staple because it seems that women like to hear that they're always the victims and never the abusers .They all have ulterior motives for not telling the whole truth and it's time the whole truth be known.
DV Industry Hates Fathers
The DV industry has done a great deal of damage to fathers. I once testified in favor of a bill to create a presumption of joint custody. The usual suspects testified against the bill: a divorce lawyer and a rep from the DV industry. The bill ultimately lost, with the divorce lawyer gloating over its loss in a letter to the editor.
This video illustrates exactly the image of fathers the DV industry wants to portray. Fathers abuse and teach their sons to abuse. Women and children are their victims. Women never abuse. Girls never grow up to abuse.
This dishonest narrative--Dad is a monster--has permeated our culture. Alas, the narrative counts more than the facts.