Ex-wife 'pours boiling water over sleeping husband' after learning that he was dating a new woman
Story here. Excerpt:
'Jesua Tatad is said to have scalded her former spouse as he slept and then beat him with a baseball bat.
Even though they were divorced, the 39-year-old shared the same home with the victi, who suffered 60 per cent burns.
Prosecutors said Tatad waited until her ex was asleep before pouring a full pan of boiling water over his body.
As he leapt up in pain she was waiting with a baseball bat and allegedly clubbed him in the head.
Police said the husband was able to escape and flagged down a passing security guard outside his home in Daly City, California.
An ambulance rushed the man to San Francisco General Hospital where he was admitted in critical condition.
San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said the victim is unable to speak due to his injuries.
He said Tatad wasn’t cooking anything prior to the incident and deliberately boiled the water for the attack.'
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Not surprised the comments
Not surprised the comments section is already closed, and once again, the author fails to acknowledge it as DV. Anyways, anyone else notice this typo? Just goes to show how ingrained it is in our society.
'It wasn’t like she was cooking breakfast,” he added. 'He boiled up that pot of water to pour on him.'
Go California!
Wow! $600 000 bail! I'm really starting to love the state of California! While I'm sure they still have some misandric laws in place, it appears that they're really starting to crack down on female-on-male abuse. They're also not afraid to lock up a violent female criminal the way she should be. I really wish the rest of the world would follow this state's example.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
xtrnl, you are aware
xtrnl, you are aware California is the state that has opened the jails up, releasing female felons who are "primary caretakers" (AKA mothers, because male "primary caretakers" are still not eligible because the program isn't offered to men. The senetor who designed this release program (in order to help deal with overcrowding) acknowledges that not offering the program to men is discriminatory and unconstitutional, hence why she added "primary caregiver" (like that changed anything), but went ahead with it anyways.).
Get the word out about female-on-male DV
There is even a YouTube "Female Hall of Shame" list with incidents like this (this is good news). Tell your friends. The general public is starting getting that DV is not just male-on-female.
In private closed-door sessions, MRAs should discuss how to publicize this most embarrassing contradiction in the feminist fantasy of gender relations. The feminist position on this topic is so absolutely untenable and unrealistic, that it must fall, and fall soon. When this part of modern western feminism is shown to be hate speech, discriminatory, and simply not true, we can use it as a wedge to open up other questions about the feminist fantasies of gender relations.
No, I wasn't aware of that Kratch. I do recall reading about a few anti-male laws in the state of California, but I was never made aware of that one. The program you referred to is quite the abomination of justice. Since when does the well-being of children improve when you put them in the custody of a dangerous criminal? I knew that they still had a long way to go, but I figured I'd give credit where it's due. With the existence of so many cases of anti male DV in which the perpetrator gets no jail time, it is truly refreshing to see a state that refuses to follow this twisted example of justice.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!