NOW feminist charged wiith assaulting MRA at VAWA Senate hearing
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-12-08 03:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'You can’t make this stuff up~
Lisalyn R. Jacobs charged and arraigned today for assaulting Ben Vonderheide, aka. Daddy Justice At a VAWA Hearing in the Senate Building in Washington D.C. Another one bites the dust.
Do your job VAWA people and stop supporting and defending false accusations or you will be exposed and go down one by one.
See the assault caught on tape...' (at http://vimeo.com/26559450)
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This is an important video document!
I don't know about anyone else here, but I don't think I've seen this before where someone actually captures on video record an instance of this particular kind of hypocrisy and irony. In a world where an entire female audience cheers for the brutal, barbarous, monstrous genital mutilation of a husband by a spouse abusing psychopath, they actually think they can go on telling people to trivialize, ignore, or dismiss female on male violence as a significant problem. Now, thanks to this video, it's a matter of simply seeing past your own eyelids to witness a "woman" at a hearing about violence, a hearing with people who make-believe that female on male violence is not significant enough to give equal light to, violently assault a man (not to mention show no remorse for doing it and pride instead).
Congrats to the violent bigots at NOW and the opportunistic, empty headed lightweights like "Dr.Phil" who cowtoe to them for female viewership and approval for putting another nail in their own coffin.
It's everywhere
Women attacking males in the media and especially in the movies(even females attacking the good guys) is a common occurrence.Because it trivializes the matter and is so common,I believe,this is partly responsible for why attacks on males is so common in real life....Our society is led to believe that this behavior,is acceptable,and even PC.Very rarely female's are prosecuted for attacks on males, and it is sometimes considered even humorous,regardless how heinous the crime.Organizations and individuals like "Dr Phil,Geraldo" and many others,should be exposed for their "slobbering pandering",to make themselves look in eyes of the public that they really know or care.This video showing the attack by this female is important,but I fear it will get little or no attention,while if it were the other way around it would be shown on every mainstream news show across the country.
Too bad that misandric pompous windbag Dr Phil wasn't arrested as well.