Canada: Children’s group wants tougher ID regulations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Creating a fake identity for a child is far too easy, according to a national non-profit group fighting to change Canadian and provincial laws and regulations.

The Canadian Children’s Rights Council wants mandatory paternity tests at birth so both parents are identified immediately. Such a measure would go a long way to eliminating paternal fraud and identity fraud, said Grant Wilson, the council’s president.

He has followed the story of Patricia O’Byrne, who was arrested in Victoria in connection with an Ontario parental abduction case from 1993. She had been living under the name Pamela Whelan. Her daughter, Sigourney Teresa Chisholm, was raised in Victoria and known as Thea Whelan.

The Victoria school district has a long-form birth certificate that states Theadora Gloria Whelan was born on Feb. 18, 1992, in Toronto. The space for the father’s name on the document is left blank, which is where a large part of where the problem stems from, Wilson said.

Details about how O’Byrne created new identities for herself and her daughter are not known.'

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there is an 100% effective method of being sure any children stolen or used for nefarious

purposes can be absolutely identified and helped (auto dna). it is being thwarted by feminist groups

trying to protect a woman's right to take financial and legal advantage of everyone

else involved, including but not limited to fathers, grandparents, families, society and especially

those children being horribly harmed.

yeah, i can see how so many otherwise (assumed) intelligent people, might not be sure this

is something that needs to be fixed/implemented. stupid seems to be a default position for

feminists these days.

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