Man Says Ex-Girlfriend Stole His Sperm to Create Kids

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK – A New York man was stunned to find out that his four-year-old twins were not an accidental pregnancy after all -- but that his desperate girlfriend secretly stashed away his sperm and used it for an in-vitro procedure, he charges in a lawsuit.

Joseph Pressil, 36, was not planning on having children with Anetria Burnett, with whom he was in a relationship for six months in 2007, he said.

So she took matters into her own hands, he told the New York Post, in order to remain in his Texas house and make a legal bid for half of his possessions.

"A gold digger is an understatement. She was trying to get community property and alimony. She's ruthless," he said.

Now, Pressil is suing Burnett in Texas for custody of their sons.

"This is more than a nightmare -- it's a horror story," he told the Post.

Pressil, a telecommunications manager, said he hooked up with Burnett, 34, when he lived in Texas -- and was a little surprised when she announced she was pregnant.

"We always used condoms," he said. But when a DNA test proved him to be the father, Pressil said he began paying $800 a month in child support.'

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If you must have sex with women, only do so after you get a vasectomy. If you intend to have children in the future, seriously research the disasters that have been experienced by divorced, separated, and still married men who have pursued this objective. A good place to start would be

If, after seriously considering the very serious downside risks, you still must have sex with women, and you don't want to get a vasectomy, then always use a condom. In this instance, always bring your own new condoms, thus not giving her a chance to put holes in it with a pin.

Immediately after intercourse, always wash the semen out of the condoms, and always thoroughly wash your genitalia. Do not come in her mouth, or anywhere else besides in a condom, because she may then redirect this semen to become pregnant. Do not have intercourse without a condom, ever, even if you don't come. Sounds pretty onerous doesn't it? Maybe it's time to date older women, over 50 years old, women who can't get pregnant? If you don't want to do that, consider celibacy and porn. This is what it's come to...

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Always use a condom, and flush it down the toilet when you're done with it. It works for me. I made the mistake of trusting a woman that lied about her fertility once and only once. I love my son, but hate the backstabbing liar who gave birth to him. Never again!

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