"One man's modest plea for womankind’s right to nonviolence"

Article here. Excerpt:

'While men's attitudes are difficult to gauge, The VicHealth National Survey on Community Attitudes to Violence against Women 2009 found that 22% of men believed that rates of violence were equal between men and women and just under two-thirds of Australian men would describe violence against women as a "common" problem; alarming figures that hint at a wider scepticism about the clear contrasts between victimisation and perpetration rates in Australia.

Some simply do not trust the appalling national and state statistics that have either remained unchanged over the years or risen in some areas. Every time a journalist dares publish a figure that slightly widens the lens to better view the full horrifying scope of the issue, the internet comment backlash is merciless.

Some are still writing off instances of intimate partner homicide, rape and physical, psychological and sexual abuse as acts of individual irrationality or crimes of emotion or provocation. Men, along with wider society seem to shrug off the importance of the issue, like the way Facebook recently shrugged off calls to remove "rape joke" pages.

Some still do not believe the issue is as big as popular opinion would suggest, and that men are the "real" invisible victims of domestic violence. It is getting harder to avoid noticing some of the bizarre and often offensive claims in the numerous men's rights websites out there.'

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"One Man's Inability to See the Whole Truth about DV"

But to be fair, he's running about average.

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The next step in Australia must be a class action on behalf of victims of female perpetrators and all male victims. One of our major political parties, whilst in government and in policy, has institutionalised discrimination against perhaps millions of victims of abuse. They can be shown to have deliberately distorted research and studies to enable such discrimination.

Their time is coming.

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Should I be surprised? All pro-feminist sites are subject to censorship. They hate difference of opinion. They can't handle debate and are offended when people don't agree with them.

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The man who wrote this piece is a moron! If he only knew the types of unjust laws that work against men, especially in the DV department! And he doesn't seem to get that the statistics that campaigns like this propagate are false and demonize men. Well, like they say, ignorance is bliss.

Nice how he pretty much implies that MRAs who don't support campaigns like this are sexists who hate women, and who feel they have the right to beat up women. Well, that's the old feminist tactic of calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a woman-hater.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I have an idea on how we can end all violence, everyone! Let's all wear white ribbons, but not to end violence against women. We'll wear them to end violence against white people! After all, everyone knows that certain demographics of people never commit violent acts, (i.e white people), therefore we should just focus on the violence of nonwhites! While were at it, let's single out nonwhite people on the street, make them wear the ribbon, and swear an oath to never commit violence against white people! [/sarcasm]

This is the racial equivalent of campaigns like the white ribbon campaign. Though it's intentions were noble, the white ribbon campaign is the gender equivalent of implying that all violent acts are black on white. Such a view is so unfounded and ignorant, it literally makes me sad to know that some people actually think this way.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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