UK: Domestic violence team working with men to change the cycle of destruction

Article here. Excerpt:

'‘Are you violent or abusive?

Do you have problems managing your temper?

Do you frighten people you care about?’

These are the questions the Janus Project, Sheffield’s only programme which works with men to stop their abuse of women, asks of those who walk voluntarily through its doors wanting help.

But the most important one is this: ‘Do you want to change?’

“That desire is essential if we are to break the cycle of abuse,” says Senior Therapist and Intervention Programme Coordinator Jozef Sen.

Janus, which gets around 20 enquiries a month, gives long-term support. Men are urged to stay for at least a year and after one to one therapy using anger management techniques, are encouraged to meet in a weekly group to help each other to change their violent or abusive behaviour.'

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... no program for women to do the same. Statistics? Nah, no need to look at those, unless they're generated by 'our side'. Information from anyplace that doesn't receive funding from feminists or gov't agencies run by them just isn't reliable!

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Why the Janus Project? Wasn't Janus a god with two faces? What are they inferring from that? Are they saying something about the character of men in general, as in even if a man is loving towards his family, and has never behaved violently in the past he could still turn violent, because *all* men are potential abusers.

If that's the case then isn't that typical of groups like this? Like Matt said why don't they help violent women, or would that mean having to admit women can be violent too...

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