Australian Parliament Rolls Back Children’s Rights to Their Dad

Article here. Excerpt:

'The long-anticipated roll-back of children’s rights in Australia has happened. The Australian Parliament has passed the bill aimed at scuttling the 2006 amendments to the Family Law Act that promised children greater access to their fathers.

The Howard government’s modest attempt at making shared parenting the rule in Australia was met with a firestorm of protest from anti-father forces across the country. Lacking any comprehensive data for their claim, they nevertheless argued that the 2006 reforms endangered children. That of course was premised on the notion that fathers are uniquely harmful to children. The fact that, in Australia as in the United States, mothers commit more abuse and neglect of children than do fathers is a concept the anti-dad crowd preferred to ignore. They shouted to the skies their narrative of paternal violence, irrespective of known science.

And the political powers that be listened. The bill that was offered and that has now passed is so virulently anti-father as to beggar belief. More importantly, it’s anti-child, despite the claim that it’s done for their welfare. It’s touted as protection for children because it places child safety as paramount when a court decides custody. Read about it here (News.Com.Au./11/22/11).'

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So, why are the men of Australia more interested in some damned football team than they are at being stripped of their civil rights as parents? They have the vote and some economic clout but as other dying Western cultures they are out to lunch when it comes to their own interests. And I just bet that they would lay down their lives defending the dubious honor of some misandric skank if anyone insulted the love of their life!

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Another day in our world brings another episode of "Witch-Hunting Males" by a misandrist government as shown in Witch-Hunting Males at Youtube.

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