November is Native American Heritage Month

I think people forget Native American men have the highest rate of alcoholism and suicide. We have a responsibility as a nation to do more for them.

Some about it discussed here. Excerpt:

'What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted in a whole month being designated for that purpose.

One of the very proponents of an American Indian Day was Dr. Arthur C. Parker, a Seneca Indian, who was the director of the Museum of Arts and Science in Rochester, N.Y. He persuaded the Boy Scouts of America to set aside a day for the "First Americans" and for three years they adopted such a day. In 1915, the annual Congress of the American Indian Association meeting in Lawrence, Kans., formally approved a plan concerning American Indian Day. It directed its president, Rev. Sherman Coolidge, an Arapahoe, to call upon the country to observe such a day. Coolidge issued a proclamation on Sept. 28, 1915, which declared the second Saturday of each May as an American Indian Day and contained the first formal appeal for recognition of Indians as citizens.'

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Watch this. There is still a lot of bad things happening to native tribes here in the US and Canada. I have heard from reliable sources that there are still efforts to "convert" what is left of people in Native American tribes to whatever religion the would-be converters want to convert them to and methods are at times employed that can be very disruptive to their lives. You'd think after all these years, we'd've learned something.

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