Closing the Girl Gap in Science
Article here. Excerpt:
'At most colleges and universities, women outnumber men — at 57 percent nationally. But Southern finds itself among a smattering of campuses with a few too many good men: women make up just 44 percent of undergraduates. And over all, only about 30 percent of Southern’s students in STEM fields — science, technology, engineering and math — are women.
Flanking the cheer camp director at an evening pep rally last summer, two university recruiters tossed out beach balls and pumped up Justin Bieber’s “Baby,” whipping an already raucous crowd into a frenzy of gleeful shrieking. They passed out raffle prizes to the girls who had diligently completed “Saluki V.I.P.” information cards. Within 24 hours, the office of admissions had created for each an individualized Web page so recruiters could keep in touch, encouraging the girls to visit Carbondale and, ultimately, apply for admission.
“The idea is that any pre-college-age group of girls who are visiting the university should be in touch with our recruitment staff, not in a heavy-handed way, but as an opportunity to get the message out that coming to S.I.U. can transform their lives,” says Rita Cheng, the university’s new chancellor and first woman in the post.'
It's not enough that women generally outnumber men on college campuses, and earn more advanced degrees, too, and are getting higher GPAs. It's that if there are even a few campuses where men outnumber women, that is insufferable. And if there are any depts. where there are more male students than female, that too needs immediate redress, and the national press needs to shine the spotlight on it. Hey, anyone ever see the MSM complain about the near-total lack of men in nursing, a relatively well-compensated field? Not me. Not once.
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There is some good news here
Any women who take up STEM will have less time to devote to womyn's studies.
The long-term problem is that steering women into something they're not really interested in rarely results in women committed to a career. If you don't really like what you're doing, you're likely to find something else to do--like staying home and having kids. In Britain, apparently, a lot of female MDs are dropping out and having families, resulting in a shortage of doctors. The same thing could likely happen here.
Dirty Little Secret
Most college degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on as far as getting high paying jobs. Women tend to go for the arts degrees rather than the science degrees. And there is nothing new about women going to college to snag a husband that will work his ass off for her and secure her economic future. Also, college is like any other industry that serves a broad clientele. They are out to make money too. So most of this stuff about women outnumbering men in college is a lot of fluff. One has to read between the lines.