Woman bites 2 people in convenience store

A bizarre story, to say the least. Really weird:

'DENVER - On Monday night, a woman went into a convenience store in the 4600 block of Tower Road, sexually assaulted a customer and then bit him and a clerk on the neck.

"I was in shock! Did she really just bite me?" Alice Gonzalez, who was bitten in the strange incident, said. "I could feel her teeth."
"She latches on to my neck through my hoodie, cause I had a blue hoodie on," Gonzalez explained.

The clerk showed 9Wants to Know investigator Jeremy Jojola the marks on her still swollen neck.
According to Denver Police, the yet unidentified woman walked into the Barn Store around 10:30 p.m., groped the customer and bit him on the neck. The woman then allegedly went up to the clerk, asked for a hug and proceeded to bite the woman on the neck too.'

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Sounds like she was high. No excuse, of course, but unless she was just plain nuts (suppose that's possible), my guess is she had been smoking something not too long before she did this. Of course when men do this (if they are high or not), it's still a crime. Women on the other hand, well, we'll see what they do here...

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So a man was sexually assaulted and bite first, but this story doesn't care enough to get a statement from him? oh no, only the woman who got bit matters.

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The woman victim is more important than the man even though she did not suffer the sexual molestation that he did. The media (and the American culture) cares about women but not men.

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If the male customer was assaulted to a greater extent, why wasn't a statement obtained from him too? Just a typical example of society caring more about female suffering, even if it's to a lesser extent. Another example: breast cancer research getting about twice as much funding as prostate cancer research even though there will be 3 men who get prostate cancer for every 2 women who get breast cancer.
Also, why wasn't the sexual assault mentioned in the title? Well, at least they're willing to call a spade a spade. Usually articles completely downplay a woman making unwanted sexual contact with a man.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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