"The Case Against Justin Bieber"

Article here. Excerpt:

'So if it’s statutory rape, what happens to Yeater?

I’ll tell you what Justin Bieber would say: I think this is much-ado-about-nothing. What was it, 30 seconds? If he says it didn’t happen but she can prove it, it will be a statutory rape—so she’ll get a suspended sentence, therapy, community service, or it’s not that way and she made it up, and then it’ll be a restraining order against her. But at this point in time, it’s Justin Bieber saying it didn’t happen, and I’m sure there are things going on behind the scenes to get her out of the media and a deal that way, so the question is how far she’s willing to go and what’s her price tag. It’s a chess game at this point in time.'

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And what exactly has HE done wrong??

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What, no accusation against Herman Cain yet?

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