The End of Men Means the End of Women, Too
Article here. Excerpt:
'New data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows the percentage of men between the ages of 25 and 34 living at home rose from 14 percent in 2005 to 19 percent in 2011. Women, on the other hand, are doing just fine. Not only do they dominate today’s college campuses, they have little trouble staying away from mom and dad’s place. That’s because women are flourishing in the workforce while men are not. Writers and pundits blame this phenomenon on the economy, but the trend reflects a much larger sociological problem. America is in the midst of a sea change: Never before has it been more difficult for men and women to find their way to one another, settle in for the long haul, and build strong families together.
To read about it, you’d think the entire mess is out of our hands. You’d think the circumstances involving the roles of men and women in society have happened to us, rather than the other way around. The truth is that we created this new world — and while we may not be able to undo it, we can certainly stop the freight train from running off the tracks.
There is a large and powerful group of women who see this shift in gender roles as a good thing. Hanna Rosin’s provocative piece in The Atlantic, called “The End of Men,” and Kate Bolick’s new piece “All the Single Ladies” (which may now become a TV series) make light of the demise of masculinity and the role men once played in society. They represent the kind of movers and shakers who help lead the feminist fight. Pointing to the latest statistics about men, they’d be likely to respond, “See how hopeless men are? Everything we’ve been saying about men all these years has proven to be true.”
But the laugh will be on them — if not for their own families, then for their children’s. The feminist policies that were put in place to help women flourish outside the home have suffocated men’s opportunities for economic self-sufficiency. In short, men’s desire to be good workers and family providers has been undermined. This is more than unfortunate; it is a loss of catastrophic proportions, for it is men’s consistent, full-time, year-round work that women depend on in order to live that ever-coveted “balanced life.” What too many women don’t understand (because they’ve been unduly influenced by feminist groupthink) is that male nature is ultimately beneficial to them, for women continue to put family — not career — at the center of their lives and are thus dependent on men to pick up the slack at the office.
It is a dangerous thing to create a society of frustrated young men. Feminists have no idea what a can of worms they’ve created — and what it’s about to do to our nation.'
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That hasn't escaped my notice either
'It is a dangerous thing to create a society of frustrated young men. Feminists have no idea what a can of worms they’ve created — and what it’s about to do to our nation.'
Large numbers of un- and under-employed men have generally led to very bad outcomes for societies and civilizations. Eventually, very bad things start to happen. By then though it's too late to stop it. The die, as they say, is cast.
Matt good point, but if they
Matt good point, but if they can't see the connection between kicking fathers out of their kids lives and increased crime, drug use, suicide, etc, they'll never notice the connection between removing men's education and economic opportunities and the lack of 'eligible' men for marriage and family.
And they won't
I used to believe, as a lot of MRAs did or do, that the powers that be could be reasoned with, that if you presented them with data, they would have an Ah HA! moment.
Not true. Too many have bought into the whole feminist vision of life--men and women at war with each other--and cannot comprehend this war will destroy us all. They continue to divide the house and believe it will stand.
As it is, women want all the family for themselves and all the jobs for themselves. That leaves men with nothing.
Ironic ad in sidebar
Ironicaly, I saw an ad by Google titled "Grants for Women" in the sidebar for this article. It's like feminism is on autopilot.
And another thing!
Notice the POV the article is written from: feminists, it says, have shafted women by getting society and gov't to move men out of job and gender roles that enabled women to stay at home and raise families: ie, not to go to work and of course stay on the collecting side of the divorce arrangement if the couple splits up. In short, her basic complaint is that society has been or is getting thoroughly re-vamped to place women in jobs and men out of jobs but that the real tragedy is that it means men aren't working to serve women's traditional aims anymore. Ta-da!
Again it's all about women
While I applaud Suzanne Venker's attacks on feminism, like many other female writers, in her book, the basis for evaluating feminism remains female-centric. Ultimately, it is bad that men aren't getting good jobs, it is bad that men aren't graduating from college, it is bad that men aren't getting married... because it hurts women. What amazes me is how American women, including this author, are so incredibly insensitive to, and uncaring about, the experience of men. Society tells us that women are more compassionate than men. That is total BS. On the average, American women are more cruel and selfish than American men. This article reveals the true colors of American women, even those who are against feminism, showing their selfishness, their cruelty, their manipulative-behavior... again, it's all about women, what women want, what incredible hardships women supposedly go through, what the future impact will be on women, etc. Excuse me while I go barf.