Tom Martin law suit effort update

Via email from Tom:

Press release, Friday, November 4th, 2011:

Tom Martin, the man suing the London School of Economics (LSE) for sex discrimination in one of its gender studies Masters degrees, appears in a new video asking LSE students if they think discrimination against men in a curriculum is justifiable, as the university's defence team have argued.

Some students get aggressive, telling Tom that discrimination against men in a curriculum is indeed justifiable, as '… men don't face any discrimination'. Those who claim to have read gender studies or feminist literature appear to be the most ignorant, aggressive and oppressive on gender politics – opposing men's issues debates outright. Tom says “Elite students should be aware, that to espouse such bias and man-hatred is completely wrong - but a lot of the students I spoke to don't seem to have an internal alarm bell. They just blurt it out. We have all learnt to recognize and reject misogyny, now its time the educational establishment accept, and teach, that misandry is completely unacceptable too.”

The case still awaits an initial trial date, and Tom asks all those interested in supporting equality for men in education to donate to the fighting fund at - 49 men and women from six countries have done so, the total currently standing at £1375, with a further £900 needed for further vital legal advice fees in preparation for the initial court hearing.

Tom also asks people to like, follow or subscribe on youtube, twitter and facebook - and do anything else they can to keep spreading the word.


For media and all other enquires, Tom can be contacted directly at

Thank you!

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I couldn't even watch the whole video of Tom, because when the girl with the curly blonde hair came on with her stylish little chapeau, and used the phrase " . . . the sheer amount of injustifications that have been going on since the beginning of time . . .," I started to feel pyschological and emotional strain from the proof of how misandry is entrenched in the feminist worldview, even to the extent of condemning all religion for being inherently misogynist. I have this book: Beach, Broadway, and McInnis, Higher Education in Canada, which says women can expect as much as 1.4X as much in lifetime earnings for having post-secondary education. Not only do women take more breaks and do less work then men, they also benefit from "blame the man" syndrome and the sexual hatred of men. Men in any position of authority over women are at risk of falling prey to false accusations and becoming the victim of female behaviour.

". . .all men r teh problems . . the Y choromsome. . . they are more aggressive"


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