Dalai Lama says "Sex spells trouble"... if he only knew
Although it's from 29 Nov 2008, this quote was still relevant today. From the opening of the article:
"LAGOS - THE Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual and temporal leader, on Friday said sex spelt fleeting satisfaction and trouble later, while chastity offered a better life and 'more freedom'.
'Sexual pressure, sexual desire, actually I think is short period satisfaction and often, that leads to more complication,' the Dalai Lama told reporters in a Lagos hotel, speaking in English without a translator.
He said conjugal life caused 'too much ups and downs.'"
Editorial remark:
The Dalai Lama's quote is particularly relevant to the mens' rights movement because the source of women's power over men is sex. If men stop being so entranced by heterosexual sex, they spare themselves all sorts of trouble, and avoid being ensnared by women's traps. Without sex, men would not need to worry about paying child support, alimony, or splitting one's assets 50/50 at the time of a divorce. Without sex, parental alienation would not be an issue. Without sex, men would avoid a lot of women's drama and women's sh*t tests. In the absence of sex, without anything to trade with men, women are likely to be a whole lot less manipulative of men.
For those of us men who aren't quite ready to be celibate, the Dalai Lama's words are still relevant. If we could significantly downplay the importance of sex with women, then we are likely to discover that we have both greater personal freedom and also greater self-respect.
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Interesting POV
I don't think it's sex in and of itself. It's an immature or naive attitude toward how the appeal of sexual attraction can be misused. And while many women seem to 'hold power' over men re sex, it is only because so many men allow them to. Sex is not bad. It's necessary for the propagation of a lot of species and works very well to keep the gene pool mixed. It arose for a reason. It's just that in the human species, the emotional and psychological dynamics of sex can be misused because we are more complex creatures than others in some ways (but alas, not in others).
I can see men give their personal power away to women all the time. Sometimes it's in simple ways like being easily distracted by flirty women and saying things that they later realize could get them into a lot of trouble in today's politically correct climate, even if these things were harmless enough. But even flirting in small ways with a woman can be very poorly-advised and unless you know her pretty well already, you probably shouldn't (maybe I am being paranoid here but really, is it worth your job if someone misinterprets a relatively innocent remark or has a chip on her shoulder?). Other times it's in dramatic ways such as playing the hero and buying into her version of events that don't concern you so that you get drawn into drama that really, you have no business being in. And there are many ways it can happen in between. I suppose the ultimate is in going into a relationship with "eyes wide shut", thinking that the usual rules around risks associated with emotional turmoil, relationship landmines, and if you get married, that somehow the possible scenarios around divorce, paternity fraud, false accusations, etc., somehow don't apply.
It's really not so much about sex IMO as it is about the average man's conception of his place in the world relative to women, as it pertains to sex and relationships. Today's man in this "modern world", if he hasn't figured it out already, has to learn that relationships with women need to be approached with a lot more caution and "due diligence" than they used to be. A lot has changed in the past few decades and when it comes to a lot of issues, large and small, his place in the world of relationships (esp. where the law and the rest of society is concerned) relative to her is a lot "less equal" than it ever used to be. If I were in the business of handing out advice to young guys new to the whole romance scene, I'd sum it up by saying, "Tread with caution and don't let your d-ck make the decisions for you."
It's The Center Of Gravity.
I have always thought that some men's ruinous obsession with the over rated sexual encounter is really just an attempt to relive some 11 year old's absurd masturbation fantasies.
@Matt - Yep
Two points you make are important:
A lot of men think what happens to other men will not happen to them. Those guys screwed up but I won't.
And today, more than ever, a man has to exercise a tremendous amount of discernment in his selection of women to associate with. I think it used to be 80% were probably safe. Now, it's closer to 20%. A man needs to avoid the other 80%--which is, obviously, most women.
Of course, I also know how tempting a nice-looking woman can be.
Women use sex to manipulate men... what if men didn't care
From Angry Harry (http://www.angryharry.com/youremails.htm):
I found it interesting that specific Google searches for the terms
"How to manipulate men" and "How to manipulate women" revealed
very different figures in terms of the number of search results.
"how to manipulate men" had 239,000 results.
"how to manipulate women" had 31,900 results.
This comment provider's remarks:
These statistics say it all... only 8.4% of the on-line searches for "manipulate [insert gender here]" were men seeking to manipulate women. Some 91.5% of the searches were from women seeking to manipulate men... how do they do it? Via sex of course.