Herman Cain meets Washington's 'scandal industrial complex'
Article here. Good piece but he completely neglects the fact that if Cain were a she, even if she had done anything like he is alleged to have done if not much worse, even the most provable and verifiable such allegation would get no exposure at all. Excerpt:
'(CNN) -- If Herman Cain committed sexual harassment and is now lying about it, his goose is cooked and it should be. But if he is telling the truth, there is something terribly disconcerting about the way the Washington "scandal industrial complex" -- full of reporters, former campaign workers and pundits -- has reacted to this sad story.
After the story broke in Politico, Cain the next day denied that he sexually harassed anyone, which after all, is the core issue. Since then, other anonymous sources claim they too were harassed, without anyone really knowing what the alleged harassment entailed. He has been consistent, unwavering and on the record in his denial.
But that's not good enough for the way things work in Washington, where the manner in which he reacted to the news is said to be a sign of whether he would make a good president. He is being assailed because he remembered more information and therefore "his story changed," an unforgivable development for those who cover scandal news.'
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don't really like his general position on stuff
but i have good reason to believe him.
having worked as a PM for a very large company in the 90's, several of us were
starting to question what appeared to be she always wins/he always loses laws and judgements
coming out of constant sexual harassment suits in the news. the classes we were given didn't really
tell us how to avoid the problem, just that we were guilty if she said so.
we had a pretty little (married) secretary in our office who was friendly to just about everyone, and out of the blue one day, in front of several coworkers, came into my office and plopped down
in my lap. due to the terrible atmosphere injected into work places everywhere by these crazy judgements, believe it or not, i didn't know what i should do. i learned long ago that turning down women's advances can really piss them off. so i just sat there and smiled and talked in the current conversation, until she decided to get up and return to work.
the next day i asked the general manager just exactly what was expected of me and what does the law actually say? i'll never forget it, or felt so helpless when he very quickly responded that whatever she says is what it is. i told him that was crazy. he just nodded and said that was just the way it was, so learn to live with it.
feminists got so much control of the law by the 90's that something like this was expected, and men (and i use the term loosely) just took it. now people act like they don't understand how he could not be guilty, since he was accused. barf.