'From trophy wife to toxic wife'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Once upon a time, there was a truth, universally acknowledged, that a man with a powerful job and a beautiful house must be in want of a wife – preferably of the trophy variety. Domesticated, docile yet dazzling, she was the perfect finishing touch.

Not any more. According to research to be published in the journal Labour Economics, the earnings gap between married couples is narrowing. While in the 1980s it was the case that the higher a professional man's salary the fewer paid hours his wife would put in, men today are more likely to want a dynamic high-flier, an equal who wows him as much in the boardroom as in the bedroom.

A victory for feminism? Sadly not. The reason for this change, sisters, is nothing to be proud of.

Rich men, I believe, have finally cottoned on to the sinister side of the stay-at-home wife: unless you marry an equal who's going to pay her own way, you will end up with a lazy, indulgent, over-pampered slug. For the transition from trophy wife to toxic wife is as fast as the end result is furious."

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Well, the author has certainly mixed up a whole bunch of terms...
such as "trophy wife" = stay-at-home-wife; maybe the term "trophy wife" just means something different over in the UK.
...whispered an exhausted husband to me recently. "I wouldn't mind providing her with so much if she just did something for me occasionally. She's never even once cooked me a meal."
This sounds like a deadbeat wife to me. Almost by definition, a "trophy wife" is one you want to keep around and show off to others because you're proud of her. But if she's going to be a deadbeat wife, she might as well carry her half of the weight financially, like any good roommate would.
A "trophy wife" doesn't necessarily need a degree from the uni - it might even be a bad idea - but something more akin to what used to be called "finishing school", as the first paragraph suggested.
...men today are more likely to want a dynamic high-flier, an equal who wows him as much in the boardroom as in the bedroom. -Due no doubt to the brainwashing that such a woman is better than other kinds, an illusion he'll be relieved of along with all his money when the divorce comes. And really what choice does the guy have anyway since the skills needed to be "trophy wives" (rather than just mere gold-diggers) aren't taught women these days?
A noble effort, but a bit confused IMO.
BTW - was anyone else able to get past the first page? (i wasn't)

* MB

*** Not All Men Are Fools - Some Are Bachelors ***

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...men today are more likely to want a dynamic high-flier, an equal who wows him as much in the boardroom as in the bedroom.

This statement from the article is not logical. It casts doubt on the credibility of the writer. Most men are not in the boardroom. Most men have boring and stressful jobs that get them and their families through life.

The high-flier wife can be as gold digging as the low-flier wife. In many cases, I'd say even more.

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What else is there to say?

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