'Complaining for our rights'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Perhaps this is why I was so shocked — and yes, slightly horrified — by claims made by a men’s rights organization.

Of all the ludicrous ideas that work their way into reality, never once did it occur to me that men would claim to be discriminated against.

There has been quite a bit of buzz around campus in regard to the Men’s Rights Movement Group at ASU. This organization is focused on protecting men’s rights on campus and eliminating male discrimination.

After reading the “key priorities” listed on their website, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was looking at a sort of satirical piece or “Saturday Night Live” skit. Some bizarre goals included, “Eliminate all institutional and social gender-based discrimination, including ‘Ladies nights’ at bars.”

Maybe I am totally off-base here, but is ladies’ night really degrading any man’s place in society? I will give these gentlemen the benefit of the doubt and assume gender discrimination of any form is what they’re really attempting to target.'

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This attempt to ban ladies night is ridiculous. Truth of the matter is the vast majority of men don't have a problem with it so I think its a bit misguided for MRA's to eliminate it. It makes us look petty and detracts from more important goals.

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Anyone who goes to a bar looking to score or meet someone new is an idiot, as the old saying goes:"Anything that begins in a bar will end in a bar". I just wanted to get that little disclaimer out there and into the open.

I live in NEPA and a couple of the smaller bars were debating doing a "ladies night" and the vast majority of their casual/loyal customers said "if you do that we won't come back". And that was quickly the end of that.

Heck I remember the Hardware Bar in Wilksbarre did a "Dude looks like a lady night". Meaning ladies and guy's dressed in drag got in free. That only happened once that I am aware of so it must not of gone over well(And I haven't gone to that bar/club since I heard of the event)

The only guy's that really support "Ladies night" and other such thing tend to be male psychopaths and sex addicts/ borderline white knight, mangina types. Guy's who see women as merely a means to an end and not as sentient human beings.{Well possibly sentient human beings. I am still debating if sentience is default in humans or something we have to work towards}.

And truthfully, I don't see it as being economically viable for bar's to continue ladies night because a growing percentage of bar patrons are female customers. And the market for male customers is shrinking as fewer guy's are going to bars then in the past(due in part to the growing percentage of cannabis consumers and gamers).

So in a decade or so I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see a kind of "Gentlemen's Night" popping up(that is probably the only way I would go to a bar, waste of time really)

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As one of the commenters of the article said, "Ladies Night" and women only gyms aren't really issues that (most) MRA's feel need to be addressed so much as they are examples/symptoms of a doubled standard, a hypocrisy, that does need to be addressed. Any attempt to make something man/boy only in western society today is seen as being sexist and utterly unacceptable, yet doing so for women is almost par for the course. There is no reason why both genders can't have the occasional segregated events/clubs, but so long as doing so for men is seen as sexist, it is not unreasonable to point out the double standard.

You will often see "women's safety" thrown out as an excuse for this kind of discrimination (in gyms and the like. and so long as it is deemed discrimination for men to do t, it remains so when it's for women too), but truth is, being a woman's only club does nothing to protect women outside a gym (as opposed to inside), where they are more likely to be attacked (and in fact, almost advertises)... and hiring a couple rent-a-cop security types for the off peak hours is far more economically sound then turning away half your potential clientele (not to mention a rent-a-cop could patrol the outisde too, protecting the parking lot as well, making it MORE safe than a woman's only gym). The truth is, women's only gyms are popular because they are places women can work out without being hit on, where societal expectations fall away. Granting the same to men is not unreasonable.

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This article is really lame. Anybody who read the web site that this woman is complaining about can immediately see the Ladies Night issue way down at the bottom of the list. She conveniently ignores the important MRA issues, and decides to nit-pick one of the weakest items on the list. She believes that her being able to make a case against Ladies Night somehow discredits the whole MRA movement. Obviously she has no training in logic, nor does she have any training in debating, or what it takes to construct a compelling argument. Then again many women approach conversation in this way, expecting other people to buy into their irrelevant (low signal to noise ratio) comments, as though they prove something, which they don't. Ignore this asinine article, it is just drivel.

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You know, down in Florida, we constantly have radio spots for bars on weekends that end in "18 for Women, 21+ for Men, $2 drinks." Really sort of surprising, as you KNOW they are serving those 18 year old girls drinks.

So yeah, I would like to see an end to Ladies Nights. I don't drink, but I drive past a dozen bars.

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