Young boy wishes to join Girl Scouts - and the GSA seems like they will let him

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bobby Montoya is a 7-year-old boy from Denver. Unlike a lot of young boys, Bobby has no desire to join the Boy Scouts. Instead, he wants to be a Girl Scout.

We first saw Montoya's story over at The NBC affiliate reports that when the boy's mother, Felisha Archuleta, tried to sign her son up for Girl Scouts, a troop leader told her no.
We placed a call to Rachelle Trujillo, vice president of communications at Girl Scouts of Colorado, for further clarification. She replied with this statement: "Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization, and we accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child lives life as a girl and the family brings the child to us to participate in Girl Scouts, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her. Girl Scouts of Colorado respects the privacy of all girls and families we work with. When a family requests membership for their daughter, we do not require proof of gender, we respect the decisions of families."

So it would seem that Bobby will get his wish. Gender-identity issues are becoming more common, especially among young children--which makes it more likely that the policy of the Girl Scouts will face future tests in the months and years ahead.'

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Well, anyway...

I have met a few transgendered people. They have all said they knew they were "in the wrong body" since they were small kids.

I don't deny the phenomenon is real. What I do think is hard to keep up with is when the exceptions ought to be made and when not, and who is qualified to make them, when considering entry into single-sex organizations-- especially ones that are that way because there are kids involved. A panel of psychiatrists? Or just one? I don't pretend to have the answers. I am just wondering where exactly it all ends, if ever. In any case, I doubt the girls' soccer team in high school will let him join, so I suppose it's a good thing he can (maybe) get into a group where at least he feels like he'll belong, assuming the girls in his troop will accept him.

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Rachelle Trujillo said...
Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization, and we accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members.

Then, Ms Trujillo, you are NOT inclusive at all. You exclude half the population.

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Apparently, they accept boys who live like girls (possibly transgendered), but exclude boys who live like boys.

I wonder if they exclude girls who live like boys? Or do they just base it on body parts? It's hard to be consistent on this issue.

As to his being "transgendered," I think it's way too early to tell. Some boys go through a "tomgirl" phase as some girls go through a "tomboy" phase. He may one day decide he's had enough of girl stuff and wants to go play football for the Steelers.

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