Men are called to fight abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Rape and domestic violence are thought of as women's issues," Calhoun County District Judge John Hallacy said Thursday. "But whose issue is it really? It's the one's who are committing the crime. Why are we as men ignoring the issue because it is our gender which is committing it."
About 95 percent of domestic violence cases are committed by men, officials said, and yet the problem, along with sexual assault, is considered an issue for women.

Hallacy said fathers and sons should have discussions about domestic violence and men should be role models in their treatment of women.

"My son asked me, 'What is domestic violence?' and it is uncomfortable but it's a conversation we need to have with our sons," he said. "They ask the question, 'why?' and why do men harm a woman who they are in a relationship with and who they love."'

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Submit at To the point, fact-oriented, cite references. Enjoy!

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I have heard that there is an incredibly high incidence of alcohol abuse and drug dependency (both prescription and illegal) among the judiciary. This may be strong evidence of such a case. I hope this judge gets the help to detox he so obviously needs.

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Why is it that the whole truth about DV is never told anywhere in the mainstream media ?? Has the radical feminist curse become that influential ?? or is it gender driven political pandering that's responsible for these one-sided bias and misleading stories??. Or could it be just ignorance and/or stupidly ?? there's is ample un-biased information and statistics,that prove female's are the perpetrators as much as male's and in some case's even more so in DV. With a little research these facts can be known and reported. I think the truth is all of the above and the fact that political correctness dictates that females are always the victim of males and never the other way around unless there's a reason and given the standard "pussy pass". I and many many others are sick of this,and there's no shortage of this "BS" everywhere you look, and everytime this type of gender bias shows up in the media (all the media) we should in a polite but firm way contact them and give the whole truth,and remind them gender bias and pandering is untrue and unfair and is extremely damaging only then that this travesty will come to an end if there's enough people who will stand up and try to change this madness.

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Does anyone ever bother to look into this issue and tell the truth? The only ones are us crazy MRA types.

More than 200 legitimate studies conducted by reputable social scientists show women are as likely to abuse as men. Only one, a crime study done in the 1990s, gave the 95% figure. A CDC study gave a 60/40 split, at least in terms of injuries. These two are the exceptions, not the rule.

As jazzman says, we have to keep telling the truth on this issue. Some people will listen, some won't, but we have to keep at it.

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