Wendy J. Murphy: America’s shameful un-equal protection clause
Essay here. Excerpt:
'It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month and a fresh pile of dead bodies reminds us that women and children are not worth very much in this country.
Many women have resorted to suicide because unequal justice is so out of control in this country, especially in Family Court, where judges often get it wrong because some “expert” wrote a report finding a child’s allegation of abuse to be false. While bad parents sometimes use their children for tactical gain during divorce proceedings, studies show that false allegations are exceedingly rare and that the real problem is abusive men winning custody when they don’t deserve it.
The American legal system has failed women and children for so long, violence against them has become the tolerated norm. It’s time to give up the romantic notion that we can create stable families by ignoring children’s desperate cries for help, and that we can stop sexual and domestic violence with “treatment” and restraining orders.
Between now and whenever we start getting it right, these ideas might help keep the body count down:
Women and children should carry wasp spray. It shoots long and far, stings like crazy, and unlike pepper spray, you don’t need a license to carry.'
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She's delusional
At least many of those posting comments see through her delusions.
The more women openly urge violence against men, the more likely men will respond in kind. Even if the man ends up in jail--as another story indicates, men are not allowed to defend themselves against women--the woman may still be dead.
Who wins in all-out war between the sexes?
Vile misandry
Wendy Murphy is a former prosecutor and a devoted misandrist bigot in my opinion. A few years ago she "bitched" out a co guest male commentator on a national TV show on the Fox news network. He sugessted that the woman in the Duke Lacrosse rape case might be lying she then "snapped' at him saying " How dare you...why would she lie ??? men are guilty in 95% of all rape cases." Or words close to that.....We know none of what she said is the truth,and I pity the poor dudes she has prosecuted for rape because of the unfair dis-advange men have in the courts anyway in rape case's much less being prosecuted by a bigot. I can't say for certain but she may have been something like the female prosecutor in Maine Mary Kellett who is another gender bigot who knowingly prosecuted innocent men.There seems to be no shortage of these types of evil monsters.