VAWA - Critically important that we get this message out

From SAVE:

Leahy’s Draft VAWA Bill is a Stinker

Sen. Patrick Leahy is currently circulating a draft of the Violence Against Women Act. Even though SAVE representatives repeatedly met with Sen. Leahy’s staff over the last 2 years, and even though the staffer seemed sympathetic to our concerns, the draft VAWA totally, completely, 100% misses the mark. These are the reasons the draft bill is Dead on Arrival:

Nothing to make sure real victims get priority – see summary:

-Zero attention to false allegations.
-Nothing to rein in DV lies.
-Nada to address mandatory arrest.
-No attempt to make VAWA gender-neutral.

Worse, the bill will take the Dept. of Education’s directive on sexual assault on campus and turn the “preponderance of evidence” standard into statutory law – see page 69 of the draft bill:

We need to raise a holy stink about this. Call your Senators today at 1-202-224-3121, and tell them to refuse to co-sponsor the bill. Sen. Leahy’s bill is fatally flawed.

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Could this misandric country get any more stupid?
The sick obsession with big government protecting women's private parts has entered into the realm of the bizarre.

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