Canada: Education system failing boys
Article here. Excerpt:
'Based on these results one can conclude only one of three things.
Either A) the above observations are anomalies and usually the number of high achievers is typically evenly split between boys and girls, B) girls are generally more intelligent than boys and thus it is natural that they would do better at school or C) the education system is not properly structured to educate males.
The facts point to the obvious conclusion that the education system is failing to educate our boys to the same levels as our girls and has been for decades.
Why has this situation been allowed to exist for as long as it has when it is apparent that the education system is aware of it?
Why is no one talking about this obvious inequity within our society?
Even with the now published inequity in the genders in university entrance, there is still no recognition or discussion of this awful situation.
Why is it that no one cares about the boys?'
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Nice find, anthony! It couldn't have come at a better time, either. I'm writing my term paper for EDFX 200 (educational field experience) on the academic gender gap. This would make a great resource. The only problem is I can't seem to get the link to work. Could you please copy and paste the URL in a reply post? Thx a ton!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
I too can't get the link to work, but as I wish to help you with your paper (as the more exposure on this issue, the better), here is an old set of articles on the subject. Again, it is Canadian, but has a LOT of good information within it, and spans many many articles (6 "parts" plus some spin off's.).
In particular I like this page, which, amongst other things, points out the differences in scholarships, which is quite significant...
The link that doesn't work
Thx a lot guys! I really appreciate the help. I'll do the best I can on this paper, and I'll post it to this site when I'm done.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Just fixed it.