Italian jury clears American Amanda Knox of murder

Article here. Excerpt:

'Perugia, Italy (CNN) -- In a ruling read to a tension-filled courtroom, an Italian jury on Monday cleared Amanda Knox of murder and other charges, nearly four years after she was arrested on suspicion of having killed her roommate in this picturesque Italian university town.

There was an audible gasp in the courtroom as the verdict was read, then an eruption of emotion, prompting the judge to call for silence. Knox herself was nearly hysterical, according to CNN's Matthew Chance, and had to be assisted out of the courtroom by two people.

The jury evidently believed Knox's impassioned final statement to the court, delivered in a voice trembling with emotion.

"I am not what they say I am -- perverse, violent. ... I haven't murdered. I haven't raped. I haven't stolen," Knox said in the most important speech of her life. Her co-defendant, Raffaele Sollecito, was also cleared of involvement in the 2007 death of Meredith Kercher, a British exchange student and Knox's roommate in Perugia.'

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I am glad her conviction was overturned and she has been found not guilty. In her first trial there was questionable evidence and lack of a strong motive (I think prosecutors came up with rough sex gone bad between Amanda, her boyfriend, male acquaintance and the victim and/or an argument over money.)

The male acquaintance (Rudy Hermann Guede) was with them that night and his own testimony places himself in the apartment during the attack and it is his semen (no one else's) found in the victim (he says consensual sex, although there are injuries consistant with rape. He claims "rough sex"). He is the one that pointed the finger at Amanda and her boyfriend (motive: to attempt to cover up his act of murder and possibly rape). As he testified after he had sex with her and while he was in the bathroom he heard Amanda and the victim argue and when he came out the victim had been stabbed and he held her and mopped up the blood (funny he did not call police, instead he fled the country). Amanda and her boyfriend deny even being at the apartment during the attack as they spent the night at her boyfriend's and claim they found the victim dead when they came home the next morning and they called police.

I would hope that no one could be convicted of murder on such flimsy testimony by some one who has strong motive to lie. Even though Rudy tried to pin everything on Amanda and her boyfriend, they all three ended up being convicted of murder. I think the prosecution speculated that the three of them tried to rape or have sex with the victim (a strange theory to come up with as there was no evidence to support it).

Also, not so highly publicized is that Amanda's boyfriend is also now free of the murder charges. However, the third person and in my opinion the most likely to have acted alone in commiting the murder, Rudy Hermann Guede, is still serving time for this murder as he took some type of deal that does not allow him any more appeals or something like that.

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I went to the same college as Amanda Knox (I did not know her personally) and I don't personally follow the case, but at the time the story broke (Amanda's initial arrest and during the first trial) this is all anyone around me spoke about.

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"Also, not so highly publicized is that Amanda's boyfriend is also now free of the murder charges."

The fact that only Amanda, not her equally involved boyfriend, is getting any attention on this, is what bothers me. Apparently the media only cares about the status of our women, the men, who cares (the "apparently" is rhetorical)

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Some explanations and thoughts on the media focusing on Amanda and not the two guys involved...

> At the first trial Amanda was found guilty of applying the deadly knife stabs. The two guys were convicted based on being accomplices or something like that, and they were given lesser sentences. So she was portrayed, convicted and sentenced as the leader in the killing, thus putting more focus on her.

> MRAs could slant this from either angle if they want to feel slighted. For example if the media focused more on the guys, I could imagine some MRAs would complain about too much focus on the men and not on Amanda.

> Amanda's boyfriend and co-defendant, Raffaele Sollecito, is an Italian citizen. Amanda was the only American involved and some people feel that there was some biased against her for being American and an attractive female, so not everyone feels that her getting more attention was a good thing or worked in her favor.

I am glad both her and Raffaele Sollecito are now free.

(just my two cents :)

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Did the young murder victim get justice? Is her killer in jail? Some people think Knox probably got away with murder. Others think she at least knows more than what she's indicated.

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