SAVE Alert: Outrage: Biden Blew it on The View

Vice President Biden joined the ladies of The View (ABC) yesterday, to discuss teen dating violence and sexual assault. The picture he painted of dating violence was so inaccurate and so bizarre, yes, we're outraged!

Now we need to set him straight!

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 10% of high school girls, compared to only 9% of boys, have engaged in dating violence in the previous year. So SAVE sent VP Biden a letter, asking him to address the growing problem of dating violence by teen girls:

Unfortunately, Biden not only ignored our letter, he falsely portrayed teen dating violence as only done by boys, to girls. See the video here: - then click on the Tues. September 27 button.

Today we're asking you to email Valerie Jarrett, director of the White House Council on Women and Girls, and then call the White House:

Valerie Jarrett:
White House comment line: 1-202-456-1111

Speak up! Unload. Politely demand they set the record straight, that teenage girls are more likely than boys to abuse - and there's no excuse for turning the truth on its head.

On behalf of abused boys and abusive girls, and the families who love them, thank you!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Submitted to MANN via email, from a regular reader:


At the beginning of the interview, Biden talked about what his dad taught him about stepping in if he ever saw violence against a woman or child. How he held hundreds of hearings. He claimed "DV against women is down 50%" since the passage of VAWA. The following are verbatim excerpts of Biden’s comments:

BIDEN: (Begins by recounting a story about a woman staying in a hotel who was assaulted in the hotel bar.) But I asked her, "What was the response you got from your women friends?" And the response was, "Well, why were you there? Why were you in that bar?" The bar, by the way, was in the basement, I mean on the first floor of her hotel.

So women, women have culturally, in this country, been viewed to... "I must have done something wrong." I want to make it clear (pounding his fist into his hand with each "never") never, never, never, never, never does a man have a right to raise his hand to a woman, other than in self-defense. Never. Never.

BARBARA WALTERS: Mr. Vice President, you wanted to do something very important for young women, particularly between the ages of 16-24 because you say the highest examples of rape and sexual assault are for these women.

BIDEN: All violence against women has gone down in every age category. The one that's been the most stubborn and is the highest now is 16-24, girls in high school and women in college.

And so, what we're trying to do is take advantage of all the new empower these young women to understand that there's a way out.

(Biden talking about kids texting and going to friends, not moms.)

I've called, I've gotten over 100 university presidents together, telling them, and we've changed the rule. Title 9, Everybody thinks of Title IX - women's sports. It goes much beyond women's sports. We said, "Hey, if the college isn't going to go out of their way to make it safer for women to be on campus, they can be held in violation of Title IX, and lose their money.

In those early hearings I held I had a college counselor telling young women had been raped, "What you gotta do is keep your grades up so you can transfer." Instead of putting the son...(he never finishes the sentence)

There's a cultural norm that we still haven't completely broken down that somehow, somehow...(never finished sentence)

For example, Barbara, I told you, and thank you for doing this. I contacted Barbara awhile ago and asked about this.

I told you about this study that was just done recently, and 6th graders. And they're asked the question, "Is it alright for a boyfriend to slap his girlfriend if he's angry with her?" And the answer: 24% said, "Yeah, it's alright to do that."

(Host Elizabeth Hesselbeck talked about boys blackmailing teen girls with nude photos.)

WHOOPIE GOLDBERG: And will you just also remind people, remind the women that the way to get a man's attention is not to hit him? Do not hit him. (applause) Because this is something, violence in itself, is something we need to teach kids is not to perpetrate on each other. No?

BIDEN: Look, you know, of all the violent criminals behind bars in jail, they only have two things in common. One is they can't read. And two is that they witnessed their mother, or someone in their household being beaten by their father.

You'd think it would be different, but it's a learned behavior.

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I thought Biden was an idiot before. Now I think he's somewhere past idiot.

Perhaps he and Jim Carrey could make a movie called "Dumb and Dumbest." All he'd have to do is act naturally.

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It's funny (but not) how biden says he learned to protect children but makes no mention of boys...

This is a white knight, he inevitably cares about women and his appearance.

" BIDEN: Look, you know, of all the violent criminals behind bars in jail, they only have two things in common. One is they can't read. And two is that they witnessed their mother, or someone in their household being beaten by their father. "

I wonder if he just sees victimized boys as future abusers instead of victims.

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" I thought Biden was an idiot before."

Actually, its sorta like Biden said, these things are probably taught. He completely lacks concern for men and probably cares most about his role as a protector, as opposed to actually protecting people.

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V.P. Biden asserts murderers have all witnessed their fathers beat their mothers.

I'm sorry but how can he get away with such an obviously flawed generalisation? In America and Britain large numbers of children grow up in families with no father present. Is Biden saying a father's presence increases the risk of a boy growing up to be a murderer (compared to a boy with no father)?

Stupid white knight. How much longer before he recognises the truth that is plain for all to see?

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"It's funny (but not) how biden says he learned to protect children"

What's funnier (but not) is his VAWA STOP funding guidelines specifically deny funding to programs that help children unless the helping of children is inextricably linked to helping women. Hows that for "protecting children"?

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One of the most interesting stats about who is important comes from the percentages of who survived the Titanic. Under the "women and children first" mantra, I'd always assumed roughly the same percentage of women and children survived. Not true. The percentages were:

75% of the women
52% of the children
20% of the men

We protect women more than children. Women expect this and men go along with this. This mindset is still in play today: we protect women first and children second. VAWA thus ties helping children to helping women first. We also emphasize DV against women by men but always talk about child abuse in gender-neutral terms, even though stats show women abuse children more. We still believe women matter more than children. Joe Biden embodies this attitude more than most.

By the way, his claim that men in prison saw their mothers beaten by their dads is pure hogwash. There's no empirical evidence to back that up. It was a claim made up out of thin air by some feminist, like the Super Bowl hoax. The truth is, most prisoners were raised single moms. VAWA creates more single moms, thus more prisoners. But they're mostly men so it doesn't matter. Ask any feminist.

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While I don't disagree with your premise, your Titanic reasoning is a little unfair. There were very few children among the first and second class passengers, of which most of the women survived. Among the steerage passengers, about 50% of both women and children died (and virtually all the men). The difference is that the steerage passengers account for most of the children, but only about half of the women. many of those children died from hypothermia before the gates were even opened for the steerage passengers to escape.

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Thanks for the info.

Of course, I still believe we (as a culture) treat women as more important than children, as VAWA and Biden's comments prove.

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Oh, I agree. Joe Biden's VAWA STOP funding guidelines specifically deny funding to help abused children unless it's linked to helping women. Some states still have that clause. as mentioned above

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