SAVE Alert: VP Biden Needs to Address Female Teen Violence on 'The View'

Tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011) Vice President Joseph Biden will make an appearance on ABC's talk show The View to discuss teen dating violence -- and we're asking you to contact the White House to make sure VP Biden gets his facts straight!

We would like VP Biden to emphasize these three critical facts during his appearance on The View:

  1. Teenage girls are now more likely than males to be the initiators of dating partner violence.
  2. Female abusers need help, not a cold shoulder.
  3. The problem of dating violence against boys needs to be highlighted.

This morning SAVE sent a letter to VP Biden asking him to address these 3 issues:

We need your help to drive home the message! Today...RIGHT NOW...telephone the White House at 1-202-456-1414, and send send an email to "Vice President needs to tell The View the truth about dating violence."

This is urgent, this is important. Thank you.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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As much as I would like the truth be told about teen dating violence on "The View"by VP Biden I doubt highly this will happen. I sincerely hope I'm proven wrong,but I suspect VP Biden will pander to the female viewers who is by far the majority of the viewers.I suspect VP Biden will do this for the female vote,to make it look like this administration is on the side of women and girls in an effort to pander the politically correct. I hope my cynicism is incorrect however from past experiences in the media in these types of matters,the truth has always been twisted to make it appear that females are always the victims of males,which of course is not the truth.

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I too doubt very much that Biden is even capable of presenting an honest depiction. This is a man that openly included an exclusion of helping children in the VAWA STOP funding guidelines (as I understand it, VAWA was his creation, and thus, the contents were his doing). You can't seriously expect someone who puts women above children to speak honestly about male victims.

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I saw the program. It was more of the same: unnecessarily gender-specific language for what is a gender-inclusive problem. At one point, Whoopi Goldberg, to her immense credit, asked Biden [paraphrasing], "Shouldn't we also be telling girls that they should NOT be trying to get a boy's attention by hitting HIM, either?" A significant portion of the audience applauded, but Biden ignored the question, stating that all men in prison saw their fathers abuse their mothers.

The truth is slowly seeping out there, people, even if Biden doesn't want it to.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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Why does Biden deliberately ignore male victims of domestic abuse? He can't be that ignorant to think it never happens. Whoopi Goldberg brought up girls who engage in dating violence, Biden ignored her and changed the subject.

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I didn't see the episode--I forced myself to watch "The View" once and that was more than sufficient--but if Whoopi did ask this question, she deserves a pat on the back. It indicates some sense of fairness. That Biden ignored it is not surprising. It doesn't fit with his view of himself as the Great Protector of women. That's the problem with chivalrous men.

Women like to say that the number of men in power indicates men have all the power. But men in power use their power mostly to help women, not men. Ergo, we get the VAWA--not an act to reduce DV against both sexes.

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Some years back she took a lot of heat from feminist groups by suggesting campus sexual assaults are primarily based on excessive alcohol consumption which causes both men and women to make poor decisions.

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This is another example of how Biden and Obama both spend their whole political careers chasing the Female Vote.

Since women voters outnumber men any half-decent politician knows who to aim his/her campaigns at. If you upset women voters prepare to lose power, because women only vote in their own narrow interest.

And with powerful lobby groups like NOW having what amounts to their own door key to the White House the "Men in Power" both know how to please the most important demographic in America.

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The reason why VP Biden in my opinion ignored male victims is because he was pandering to the female viewers.He wanted to look like "What a good guy" to the women. I suspect politics and not the whole truth was his main concern. Whoopi Goldberg few words about male being victims couldn't have been ignored more then if she had farted,and VP Biden had the perfect opportunity then to comment on male victims,but ignored it completely.But this is nothing new in the media...everywhere one looks females are always the victims,and rarely are males portrayed as victims of females.This is an excepted politically correct double standard in our society and that has to change.

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Re: The very worst abuse is lying about abuse by those who know better

Dear Ms. Valerie Jarrett:

When will the domestic violence industry and V.P. Joe Biden recognize women who batter men? Vice President Biden has called the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) “his baby,” but Biden should be ashamed, not proud, of his misandric piece of gender feminist, legislation, which excuses and rewards women’s domestic violence against men (including teen dating violence by women), thereby fueling more domestic violence against men by women.

Among dating partners, U.S. Centers for Disease Control surveys have repeatedly documented that females are more likely than males to be the initiators of partner violence:

- According to the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey, 10% of teenage boys were victimized by dating violence in the past year, compared to only 9% of teenage girls experiencing dating violence ( – Table 12)

- According to a national survey of young adults ages 18-25, in cases of one-way violence, females were the aggressors in 71% of the cases, and males the initiators 29% of the time. (Whitaker DJ et al. American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 97, No. 5, 2007)

According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and DOJ statistics, more kids are killed by neglect and abuse in a year (1,460 in 2005), than all the female intimate partner homicides in in a year (1,181 in 2005). And mothers are the single largest group of kid killers. They have a rate twice that of fathers, yet the taxpayer funded (gender feminist run) domestic violence industry would have us believe that women don't egregiously batter men too. They're lying!

As shown by HHS statistics, the age range for those child homicides is about ten times narrower than that for female intimate partner homicide, making that rate of child homicide far more concentrated. Yet funding to prevent those child homicides is minimal, compared to the billions that go to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Credible research overwhelmingly shows that the ratio of d.v. is at least 50/50 between women & men. According to one study by researchers who work at the CDC, in 70% of domestic violence incidents, where the domestic violence is not mutual, it's women who initiate the domestic violence.

V.P. Biden recently called violence against women, "the very worst abuse." The very worst abuse is valuing one life less than another for having been born the wrong sex, or the wrong age. Under Biden's Violence Against Women Act the wrong sex is men and the wrong age group is children. Shelter and services are virtually non-existent for male victims of domestic violence (and in some cases men and their children) so those options out of a bad relationship, that are routinely available to women, are very often not available to men. Men wind up gender profiled and often falsely accused by the taxpayer funded, domestic violence industry, because of gender feminist ideology controlling the domestic violence industry. Men are often battered by domestic violence, and then battered again by the taxpayer funded, domestic violence industry.

The taxpayer funded domestic violence industry has largely mischaracterized the true nature of domestic violence from the beginning and continues to mislead the public. Domestic violence law, following the gender feminist agenda/ideology over facts in evidence, does great harm to many innocent men and children (and also many battering women who need help) as shown in "Los Misandry" at Youtube, and as shown in "Witch-Hunting Males" at Youtube.

Please respond.


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Is that supposed to be

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"I will be out of the office Wednesday, September 28-Friday, September 30, and will not be checking email on Thursday and Friday due to the Jewish holiday.

If your matter is urgent and relates to the Office of the Vice President, please email or call 202-456-2070. I will respond to your email as soon as I am able to do so.

Many thanks,

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