Marriage is officially passé

The NYTimes is reporting, in its usual fem-slanted way, that for the first time in recorded US history, 51% of the adult female population is NOT living with a husband (ie, either they are single or married but living apart for some reason). Article here.

It notes that 53% of adult men are married and living with their wives, but this is largely because of the fact that men die earlier than women overall and possibly due to the moderate general disproportion in the sex-ratio in the population (the article doesn't mention this but it would seem that it makes sense for it to be a factor).

My own take: The fewer marriages, the less work for divorce lawyers and the less chance a man has of being thrown out of his own home! How can you not like it? But anytime you have someone getting on your case about your single-hood (eg: parents, married friends, etc.), send them the link to this article. You can point out that married adults are now the exception, not the rule.

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Biden definitely must be quite satisfied with this fact.

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I get so tired of this comment so often repeated:

“For better or worse, women are less dependent on men or the institution of marriage,” Dr. Frey said. “Younger women understand this better, and are preparing to live longer parts of their lives alone or with nonmarried partners."

Has anyone noticed a reduction in alimony, child support, and big settlement bonuses to women during the divorce?

If anything, I think they are getting bigger and more off-the-wall than ever. That's the real reason for more women divorcing and not remarrying. They are afraid to share with the next guy their ill-gotten booty that they couldn't earn on their own. It's the old story. Everything that's his is mine. Everything that's mine is mine.

What I totally don't understand is this case where the guy and his lawyer created the pre-nup and then he tries to get out of it because it's too generous! Does this guy have shit for brains? I think his lawyer should be disbarred! Is there something in all this that I'm missing?

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I think they are getting bigger and more off-the-wall than ever. That's the real reason for more women divorcing and not remarrying.

Oh, come on, be more realistic. Most women during the course of their marriage transform into fat, ugly creatures. So that marrying again simply is not among their options after divorce.

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Just read the first two entries to see that indeed, things between the sexes here in "The West" are now so bad that we really are doomed. (My, that "harriet" is really a good example of what feminism turns women into, isn't she?).

Populations will only recover when societies whose intersexual relations have not fallen apart move in to take our place. Check back in the year 2100: the future of "western" societies is most certainly Euro-Arab-Muslim and Amero-Catholo-Hispanic. Demographics is, as they say, destiny.

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There, just did it for ya. But please review your HTML tags before publishing your comment so you don't break the page!

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As denoted in a previous article here, single motherhood is quickly becoming the norm as well. So instead of milking a guy for his money through the great institution of marriage, bimbos get paid with inflated separation agreements and/or by social welfare programs funded mostly through taxes levied against hard working gents! And isn’t this in-line with the Fem-Nazi agenda? The great socialist state providing for bimbos at the expense of hard-working males!

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What exactly tags I have not closed? You probably have mistaken.

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You had two 'cite' open tags (undoubtedly you meant to type </cite> as the second one but didn't, instead typing <cite>). So to close the two of them I added two </cite> tags at the top of my original comment about the need to close tags. That closed them and the text rendering went back to normal following them.

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things between the sexes here in "The West" are now so bad that we really are doomed.

Exactly. And the sole reason for this, if to be honest, is men themselves. Look: instead of getting the situation in their hands and correcting it, they prefer to whine and to prove that women perpetrate domestic violence against men just as often as men do against women. :-D

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I thought that the option of previewing message before sending it is used for catching such errors, and I haven't noticed anything wrong with the message. But OK, I'll look after tags more carefully.

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Men are being used and abused by society in countless ways, and some of them are finally starting to be identified in the media. Correcting gender stereotypes about violence and criminality is the absolute best place to start unwinding this misandric mess we're in. Without that changing, all else is lost, as it is the major lie used to subjugate, exploit and shame men. If men aren't seen as predators, women can't be victims. Get it now?

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Personally, I'm thrilled with this. As men continue to be marginalized in education, employment and other areas, women will pay more and more of the taxes. Result? With no divorce settlements to live off (they're all just so strong and independent...that's why they can't survive without alimony, child support and state handouts paid for mostly by men, etc. etc. ETC.), and men no longer having to shoulder 70% of the tax burden, women will have to pay their own way for the first time in history. Sounds good to me. But we can expect suggestions of gender-based taxes favoring women long before that happens, even if they would be unconstitutional.

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$214,745 in annual child support payouts

I'm sorry, what kid costs that much to raise? That is alimony disguised as child support.

Oh, and the private school the kid goes to is seperate, and he is responsible for 91% of those costs.

EDIT: whoops, meant to reply to Dittohd. Bad me. The article he posted is here

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I guess that you know very little about political activism and propaganda. If you think that media started to talk about men being "abused by society in countless ways" because of MR propaganda - you are wrong. That's because the reality made the "abusing society" to realize that men must be abused, but not to the degree when they are not able anymore to serve as a cannon fodder or as a brute workforce. All who pay attention to the MR propaganda in its current form are probably feminists, who satisfy themselves reading men's whinings about how men are abused by "femi-nazis".

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The part of the article that states more men being dependent on women in marriage is obviously referring to SOME men of vintage days. Most of us younger 20-something men do not need women to do anything for us because we were taught by our mothers to handle things in the domestic realm -- especially those of us who were raised by single mothers. Either way, I don't care. I just hope that young boys are exposed to this propaganda so that it encourages them to avoid all but platonic relationships with women. I hear a sufficent amount of guys speak negatively about being in a relationship with a woman. It appears some guys are starting to view it as something horrible. That's a good sign.

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NBC Nightly News and CBS's Couric both did virtually identical segments on this story yesterday. The women were all over-joyed at being unhitched, though one 29 y.o. expected she'd get married eventually. Men were entirely absent from the interviews, which should tell you something (hint: we don't matter in the least). It was all chalked up to being the result of women's decision to be single rather than the flight of men from an 'institution' which no longer serves our interests. It was like men don't figure into the equation at all. So much for it being a 'patriarchy' where men have all the power and we 'exploit' women whenever we feel like it...

Of course in a day or two it'll be back to biz as usual with women complaining about a shortage of good men, commitment-phobic men, men who refuse to grow up, and all the other usual nonsense. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I was surprised they didn't have at least one guy on saying how glad he was to be free from having to be responsible for, and having to put up with, one of these narcissistic and useless parasites - ya know, just to drive home the point about how fortunate women are to be living in these times.

You go girls!!

* MB

*** Not All Men Are Fools - Some Are Bachelors ***

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Here they are. Three of them: first is openly male/husband-bashing, second is "why weren't lesbians mentioned?" and the third (the only one published that was written by a man), mentioning how divorce hurts children and causes women worry.

Not a single letter discussing men and marriage, or our lack of interest therein or why. The NYTimes once again affirms its identity most unequivocally as a bloody, God-awful feminist rag.

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As the father of two daughters just starting adulthood and listening to them say “there are no good guys anymore”, “they are consumed with video games, beers, and themselves”, “if you want to find a guy, go the bar”, and “you raised me to look for a responsible man.” These comments not only cause me to wonder what is happening to the perceptions of a generation of men. Will my daughters add to the statistic of living alone because the can not find a good enough guy? Are their sites to high? Or have we opened up the world so much that is now impossible for us to see the minor flaws we all bring into a relationship? As a married man of more than 30 years I am sure that my wife has but up with more than she wants to admit and the same would hold true for me - it is about compromise and acceptance - something I do not see im my daughters.

— Posted by Steve

Something we don't see in many daughters, unfortunatly.

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Excellent analysis by RandomMan!

And to cut to the chase, there is one, and only one 100% strategy for men who do not wish to be harvested by predatory females:


The law and court system is the feminist harvesting machine.

Don't perform any of the behaviors that will take you on the down escalator to appear in DV/Family/Divorce Court and you will be forever free!

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I read all 307 reader comments that were filed under their "blogspot" tab - evidently it stopped taking any new ones after that - a much less biased and more extensive sample.

Yes, there were quite a few complaining that lesbians were left out of the stats, as well as some who pointed out that cohabiting or otherwise attached women were left out also. Quite a few complained about the feminacentrism, though more than one woman spun this as being due to the 'oppressive' linking of women with marriage (still) or the fact that men always get away scott free. The number of women telling stories of the worthless controlling deadbeat slobs they married (and then divorced) was pretty big. A number of observers were concerned about how this heralds the end of civilization as we know it, some in a more convincing way than others. Quite a few men (and women) admonished men to "get with it" (in so many words) and adapt to all the presumably great changes women have made.

Several men were more or less on the right track from the MRA perspective, and their comments are worth tracking down and reading, as was one notable woman - Texan Woman: I am a single, never married, independent, professional woman. I find your article extremely biased. It presents the woman’s side of the story “Me, me, me, me!!!” Unfortunately, being a woman, I still have an appreciation for the perspectives of [commenters] Mark Klein, Edward Winslow, Jeff and a few others … The custody, alimony and child support laws are stacked against these men - and I think they are cruel. A majority of women portray men as omnipotent, omniscient, unconstrained, brutish … and responsible for “everything” - isn't that perception a little skewed? Maybe guys are human … Meanwhile guys - don’t bother to mess with marriage. Let these women go to the sperm-banks - and all will be well with the world. What a rare gem she is. Can we all chip in and get her cloned?

* MB

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If there was one comment I didn't see, it had to do with the illusion that these single women are independent, the myth that "women don't need a man to survive" anymore. In fact, we all live inside a social and technological womb invented, built, and maintained almost entirely by men. It's not so much a prison, as some would claim, because women would hardly give up one of its benefits for a second, and its demands on men are much greater than they are on women. It's near-invisibility is a testament to its success. Don't expect any appreciation from women anytime soon on this.

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Amen, M.B.

"It doesn't really matter how many times they've repeated it. In the end, it's women who 'just don't get it.' Women still have no clue what equality means."

- Tom Ellis (The Rantings of a Single Man, page 261).

Buy his book!

The best cheap education any aspiring MRA can purchase with one click on

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The actual title of Mr. Ellis' excellent book is ---

THE RANTINGS OF A SINGLE MALE: Losing Patience with Feminism, Political Correctness, ... and Basically Everything.

isbn 0-9762613-1-6

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Yes... I do.


How do we change laws, mass media bullshit, feminist educational propaganda, emasculated congresspersons,
Feminism Inc., etc?

Joe Biden wants to be President?

That feminazi cabana boy?


He's already in bed with N.O.W.


Find a nice Third World country where feminism has not yet penetrated the consciousness of thinking women and men.

You can live well for less than $1,000 a month.

And never have to dread a 911 call initiated by the woman you're sleeping with....

Desperate times, indeed.

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All of this pompous femitwit gloating and bitching about marriage not being necessary for today's modern liberated Western woman is about to change. That is because the racial and ethinic demographics are changing rapidly. Very soon Islamic Shari'a law could soon be governing family life and how women should be viewed. I believe Canada has already flirted with the idea of letting shari'a law being taken into account with dealing with its rapidly expanding Islamic population. Also, the Hispanic culture doesn't necessarily see women in the same light as Western culture does nor does the culture of Africa which is being felt in the increasing immigrant population from that continent. So, very soon things are going to change for women in the West and particularly in the US. As the old saying goes, "you don't miss the water until the well runs dry!"

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> "You don't miss the water until the well runs dry!"

But it's all the well's fault!!

About six months back, CBS did a story on the evening news about americans converting to Islam, even in the wake of 9/11 and all that's happened since. Of the tens of thousands of converts (80,000?) since 2001, women outnumbered men by a large ratio - 4:1 if I recall correctly. A small trickle amidst many currents to be sure, but it was still noteworthy because it seemed so inexplicable on its face; as in: "don't those women know how violent and patriarchal that religion is"?

Indeed, american women may miss the 'water', but I don't have confidence they'll be able to figure out why the well went dry in the first place, which will prevent them from being able to effectively fix the situation. They'll just keep doing more of what they're already doing because they have a limited ability for long-range thinking and problem solving, and us guys (who do have those abilities) will have a motivation to help `em which will increasingly tend towards zero.

* MB

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This link is a treasure for anyone wanting to see how the "I'm not like them" iFeminists women respond.

A choice comment from one:

"And a men’s movement is out of the question cause men are naturally suspicious of other men. As they should be."

The moral arrogance/stupidity of females never ceases to amaze me.

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Indeed, american women may miss the 'water', but I don't have confidence they'll be able to figure out why the well went dry in the first place, which will prevent them from being able to effectively fix the situation. They'll just keep doing more of what they're already doing because they have a limited ability for long-range thinking and problem solving...

So what you are saying is that the typical Western woman will shit where she eats like some animals (but not all) will do?

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