Title IX gender quotas may hurt high school sports next
Article here. Excerpt:
'Fall sports season is in full swing for New Jersey high schools. But for many students, this may be the last year they play if supporters of Title IX gender quotas get their way in American high schools.
Last November, the Washington, D.C.-based National Women’s Law Center filed federal complaints against 12 school districts. The charge? Because the gender balance of male and female athletes did not exactly mirror the overall population of the student body, the school districts were discriminating. This numbers game assumed that boys and girls have identical interests in identical numbers.
With few options to address those complainants, schools must make the numbers work. They will have little choice but to eliminate male teams or significantly slash their rosters. As many as 1.3 million male high school athletes nationwide could be permanently sidelined — although that would not create any opportunities for female high school athletes.
Already, hundreds of men’s college programs have ended because of the gender quota system. In New Jersey, even champions aren’t immune. Former Rutgers swimmer and coach Sean Smith bluntly noted: "Rather than providing more opportunities for women, I think (Title IX) is more often used as a scapegoat for athletic departments. … It will be the death of men’s Olympic sports on the collegiate level if its application is not changed drastically."'
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I wish public schools would
I wish public schools would get out of managing and providing team sports, clubs and all other after school activities . Schools should stick to academics and then rent their space/fields for team sports and clubs to be privately run and get rid of all the bullshit.
Not only do schools manage a kid for 6+ hours a day, now they control their special interest/ after school time as well.