U.S. Girl Dropout Crisis
Article here. Excerpt:
'Girls are overlooked when it comes to tracking the school dropout crisis in cities and towns across our country. Overlooking the problems that threaten the education of girls makes this crisis far more critical. Even though every state, even individual schools, counts dropout rates differently, estimates show the nationwide toll of dropping out:
• 50% Native American girls
• 4-in-10 black female students
• nearly 4-in-10 Latinas
Absenteeism, often triggered by feeling unsafe at school, can lead to dropping out completely.
Pregnancy is also a major cause for leaving school: 3-in-10 young women in the United States will become pregnant before the age of 20, a rate higher than any other developed country. Many girls who are expecting, as well as those who are already mothers, face discrimination by school administrators, teachers, and fellow students. Becoming a parent is given as a primary factor for not continuing high school among nearly 50% of all female dropouts, versus one-third of male dropouts. The research on this crisis is woefully inadequate.'
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As go the boys, it seems...
Overall, our kids are not faring well. And in this economy, subtracting support they get from their parents, here in the "First World", now 1/5 of people 18-34 are officially poor. Job prospects are incredibly bleak and there will be little hope of recovering their career potential when/if the economies of the western worlds turn around.
You have got to be kidding me!!!
Now the feminists are trying to claim high school drop-out's as a "girl's issue"? No, they can't address drop-out rates in a gender neutral tone. Despite all the evidence boys are failing in larger rates then girls, no, this is a girls issue. Seems they must dominate any claims of oppression, sexism or being held back.
And absenteism is because girls don't feel safe in class-rooms? Give me a F#@%!#$ break.
It knows no limit
Right up there with heart disease as being a woman's issue, or combat stress/PTSD, etc., etc. Remember, it's not REALLY a problem until it affects women/girls. Any feminist can tell you this, along with most of the rest of the world.
Same old BS
They always will find a way to femi-spin it. For homelessness, which is about 85% male, they'll lump children with women to say "the majority are women and children." For dropouts, they'll divide the girls up by race so they can say minority girls are the hardest hit, leaving the impression that minority girls drop out more than any other group (as opposed to any other group "of girls"). I've seen them do that for over a decade now and I've called them on it in LTEs several times. They're just dispicable.