Campaign 2012 - Putting False Allegations on the Political Agenda
From SAVE:
Have you ever wondered what a candidate's take is on an issue like false allegations? We have. So we're going to ask.
The upcoming election is sure to be the most important and most heated election in recent memory.
This contest will be grabbing the media spotlight. And we'll be right there, asking our very important questions.
Campaign 2012: Stop False Allegations of Abuse will:
1. Increase public awareness about false allegations of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse
2. Engage candidates for state and federal political office in the issue of false allegations
3. Secure commitments from these candidates to work to reform abuse laws
October will find us in New Hampshire. We're currently looking for local citizens to address presidential candidates. Interested?
You can be part of our Campaign 2012 team! We'll provide training, printed flyers, information about candidates' local town hall meetings, easy-to-use forms, and t-shirts.
We'd like to see Campaign 2012 grow with volunteers across the country addressing candidates on both the state and federal level. Are you ready to take action? Make sure you attend the Sept. 21 DVLP conference call. DVLP: http://www.saveservices.org/dvlp
If you want to join our efforts, email me at tstoddard@saveservices.org. Put "Campaign 2012" and/or "DVLP" in the subject line, and give me your city, state, and phone number.
I'll be in touch!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
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Use False Claims Act in litigation
This is great - absolutely, make false allegations a political issue. There should certainly be more of that.
There is a great tool, which could be used to stop Federal government funding of feminist hate organizations. It's called the False Claims Act. The Act makes it illegal for any organization receiving money from the Federal government to make a false statement, which then would lead to the disbursement of money from the government to that organization. It is a very powerful law, and it is used often. For example, it was used by the government to recoup research grants given to a professor at the University of California at San Diego. The university had to return over 1.5 million dollars because the researcher misrepresented some scientific research results. This same approach can be used with feminist organizations alleging that the domestic violence problem is exclusively a male problem. We should force them to return the money given to safe houses which cater exclusively to women.
Where are the lawyers on this? Hey lawyers: want to make a lot of money? Why don't you support the MRAs on this?