Women and divorce: Goodbye darling, you're just too dull...
Article here. Excerpt:
Lucy Valantine was approaching her fortieth birthday when she made the seemingly bizarre decision to leave her husband of five years. “On the surface, life was perfect,” she says. “We had a gorgeous Victorian house in the Home Counties, I had a great job with a blue-chip company, and my husband was a lovely chap. He was kind and gentle and my friends all loved him. There was nothing wrong with him, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to change my life.
Relationship counsellor Andrew G Marshall, author of I Love You, I’m Just Not In Love With You, says he has noted a trend towards such splits. “In the past 10 years, I’ve seen a huge increase in couples who don’t actually hate each other, they just don’t love each other enough to stick at it. Ninety per cent of these marriages would be perfectly serviceable if the people involved would just put in more effort.”
What does this say about our society? Is it a shocking indictment of our narcissism that we are ignoring “Until death us do part”, because it’s easier to slump in front of Facebook rather than book a candlelit table for two? Or is it a triumph of feminism that women whose mothers would have put up and shut up in return for a roof over their heads have decided that they refuse to live out their years with a man whose idea of an enjoyable night is dinner on his lap in front of Top Gear?
I say “women”, because they initiate seven out of 10 divorces. Divorce is also soaring among the over-45s, with break-ups in that age bracket increasing by 30 per cent in a decade....'
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What's behind these fake reasons for divorce?
Sorry, I don't believe it, that most women are divorcing because they're bored? Are their husbands supposed to be entertainers? Isn't it enough that we bring home the bacon, and protect them against attacks, and hold the doors open? First of all, these "I'm too bored" claims point to one of the fundamental results of feminism - the preoccupation with self, and the disregard for the feelings and impacts of one's actions on others. For example, nowhere in this article is there any discussion of what might happen if a woman leaves her husband, particularly if they have kids. At the same time, many men stay in marginal or even bad marriages for the sake of the kids. Second, seventy percent of all divorces are instigated by women, and only thirty percent are instigated by men -- that says a lot right there. Women are somehow incentivized to get divorced. Financially, they will be taken care of by their ex-husbands (a 50% cut of his property, alimony, child support, government benefits, etc.), so why not leave the guy? Nobody's willing to tell the truth about the fact that women are financially incentivized to divorce, hence these excuses which sound totally unconvincing like "I'm bored." Third, as usual, women aren't taking any responsibility for marital problems, they're just exiting. Oh well, it's not the Hollywood fantasy marriage, so I'm leaving. Young men really need to scrutinize these statistics before they get married, even if they are under the impression that they've found a gem, a woman who is going to buck all the trends, and not be one of "those" women (NAWALT). This article is good ammunition for those MRAs who would warn men away from marriage.