New Zealand: School 'only supports female causes'
Article here. Excerpt:
'A Timaru girl says she was forced to wash off her blue face paint as it was supporting a male cause – and her school, being a girls' school, could only support female causes.
However her principal has told the Timaru Herald the school has "no policy around any gender-related fundraisers".
Kristie Bennet, 15, turned up to Timaru Girls' High School yesterday with half her face painted blue to support Blue Friday, a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of prostate cancer.
She said she wanted to take part as her grandfather died from the disease last year.
She hoped her fellow students would spread the cancer message to the men in their lives.
"When I went to form class I was told straight away to take [the paint] off. I went to the deputy principal [to ask if I could keep it on] and she said we were only allowed to support female causes.
"She watched me take [the paint] off."'
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""If we're going to do things like this we have to deal with it as a school ... some of the girls who saw the paint would not have known what this was about, which is disrespectful to those in the school affected by this."
I'm not sure what exactly the principal means by this, but ether definition clearly shows she lacks an understanding of what raising awareness means. I see two possible readings for this comment:
1; Ether she thinks it's disrespectful to the people who don't know what it means to wear the blue face-paint, or
2: She thinks it's disrespectful to the people wearing the face-paint for people to not know what it means.
Ether way, I see this as an insult to the very concept of raising awareness.
As a NZlander myself, I
As a NZlander myself, I would never send my daughters to an all-girl's school in this country. Many of these schools are run by male-resenting feminists, there was even a news report recently of one girl who was attesting to such nature in an all-girl's school up North recently.