The DSK affair: Miscarriage of justice one way or another
Article here. Excerpt:
'It's hard to make a cut-and-dried women's-rights issue out of this case because of the accuser's credibility problem, though the sisterhood did have some words to say. "This miscarriage of justice exhibits all the hallmarks of a society that tolerates sexual violence by blaming and shaming the survivors -- but the real shame belongs with the perpetrators and the prosecutors who allow them to walk off scot-free," said National Organization for Women president Terry O'Neill.
It is, of course, not at all clear that that is what happened. And will NOW take some responsibility in this mess, for contributing to a culture in which men and women are always adversarial rather than complementary? In which sex is the ultimate expression of independence and power, rather than a beautiful, intimate, life-giving act of love and mutual respect and human dignity?
A friend commented about the case: "I am gathering he's a pig. I am gathering she is not fully credible. It reminds me a little of the Duke case. The woman was a disaster, as was the prosecution, and a pox on all of them. But very much forgotten was the boys' behavior: Nobody, or too few, pointed out the frat-house ethics they were engaging in, hiring strippers to come over, etc. I lived a pretty raucous college lifestyle -- in many ways, it's a miracle I survived, and survived without any law problems. But I certainly never even thought of hiring strippers to come over." I realize that when Midwestern housewives are bringing stripper poles into their family homes, what's inappropriate may be up for grabs. But that is part of the story. God help any woman who is raped, and God help any man who is falsely accused of rape. But God help, too, anyone who isn't creeped out by the lawyerly takeaway.
And sticking to war-of-the-sexes and class-warfare talking points does not serve justice either.'
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This article pulls all the punches that shouldn't be pulled
Seriously, the woman who authored that article pulls all the hard punches. Not a surprise considering that she works for CBS.
I hope DSK goes all costly punisher on that rape liar. He has the money for it.
I get so sick of people saying the Duke players were behaving badly. What, by hiring stripper? They're adults. They have every right in the world to do that. These same hypocrites never say that about sorority girls hiring strippers. It's just those bad bad boys. We just want to control their sex lives to our standards. And now with DSK. We know nothing really about what his private sexual and romantic life is like with his wife. But we judge him for having an affair. Never mind the lies and falsehoods of the false accusers, let's talk about the "bad sexual behavior" of the men. And then you accuse others of "blaming the victim"????