Baby Tossed From 4th Floor on Life Support, Mother Arrested

Article here. Excerpt:

'ORANGE, Calif. (KTLA) -- A mother accused of tossing her 7-month-old baby from the fourth story of a parking structure is set to be arraigned Wednesday as the child clings to life.

Noe Medina, Jr. was found in extremely critical condition after falling from the fourth floor of the parking structure at Children's Hospital in Orange around 6:20 p.m. Monday, according to Orange Police.

The baby, who wears a helmet for medical reasons, did not appear to be wearing the helmet at the time, police said. He remained on life support Wednesday morning.

Hermosillo's husband, Noe Medina, says his wife was hospitalized in May for depression and was not allowed to be alone with the baby.

Medina says Hermosillo grabbed the baby Monday while he was watching the couple's two other children at a home in La Habra.

He was not immediately aware of what had happened, but called police to report them missing.

Family members also say Hermosillo went to therapy for the first time Monday.'

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Baby has died.

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