Sexual assault hurts everyone
Article here. Excerpt:
“I do think it’s quite fabulous,” Sharon Osbourne declared on a recent episode of CBS’s “The Talk.”
But she wasn’t commenting on makeup, books, or typical talk show fodder. She was applauding a California woman who cut off her husband’s penis and put it in the garbage disposal.
The five co-hosts giggled and speculated, even going so far as to reenact the scene at the sink and discuss whether he may have “deserved it.”
These women are paid to act like eighth grade girls around the lockers at lunchtime, but typically I don’t even mind their childish demeanors. Do as you please, CBS, but stick to new recipes and fall clothing lines.
Making jokes about a man who had his genitals cut off is offensive, too. If five men sat around a table on a national news network, laughing about the violent abuse of a woman, outrage would ensue.
However, when women applaud a female perpetrator, it’s no longer about abuse. Suddenly, women are fighting for that mythical empowerment and retribution they’ve deserved for years.
By encouraging violence, abuse, and gender discrimination, these ladies shed light upon a repulsive double standard.'
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The word misogynistic
I can't respond there due to lack of facebook, but still some stuff annoys me.
One commenter saying: "I think you’ll find that is decidedly NOT the case, that rather men often feel entitled to sex (how often do you hear, “She had it coming”, “She was asking for it.”)"
Know who I hear that from most? Women, women saying men say it. I have never, EVER heard a man say that, ever. Only women, as they did. Also, they totally ignored everything he said about the fact that when boys are raped everyone treats it like a joke, women included. In fact, there was an article in my newspaper this week where a guy says he slept with a woman, then found out he had a boyfriend and tried to break it off. He felt really guilty, and that he felt he had betrayed who he was and what he was raised to be. He told her no, she wouldn't accept it.
Do they know what the lady who responds to the column said? "You stud! You got broken in with an older woman! You should enjoy it that she wanted to come back for more. Stop moping, now you know how to please a woman" and on she went.
Ah, and just one little point. Know who the most common victim of rape is? :) Men in prison, but that is alright.. just men, just in prison. ha ha ha. Those men and their soap, ha ha ha.. Oh wait. Laughing about a sex crime is bad, right? Hrm.. unless it happens to men of course. Women need to stop taking it personal and saying everything is misogynistic because someone wants to focus on problems that men have.
When a drunk man and woman sleep together, the man is listed as raping the drunk female. When a sober man and woman sleep together? Rape by the man. When a drunk man and sober woman sleep together? Unlike the woman, the man is legally fully responsible for what he did, which means he can still be charged with rape, and he is still held responisble for sleeping with her. Aka: Men are always guilty and always taking responsibility. Fixing a problem that effects men doesn't have to take away from women, and caring about equality is not misognistic, even though that is the buzz word to throw at any man who says anything besides "Let's just kill all men, we deserve it because we are all horrible monsters who want to rape women all the time." That word is really starting to piss me off. People don't know how to use it, and just blindly place it on all men everytime they say anything.
--- sorry to rant here, but sometimes the fact that logic is so blasted hard for more than half the population to understand is so infuriating, and there is nothing we can do about it! Just one word from a feminist to label us as misogynistic simply because we don't focus on women's problems for a minute, and the world ignores us.