Mother gets probation in home circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

'PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — An Oregon woman who tried to circumcise her 3-month-old son at home after reading the Old Testament and watching YouTube videos has been sentenced to five years of probation.

Keemonta Peterson pleaded guilty to first-degree criminal mistreatment. The 30-year-old Portland woman must also undergo mental health treatment.

Peterson called 911 and the boy was rushed to a hospital last October after her botched effort left the infant bleeding uncontrollably and in intense pain. A prosecutor says he has fully recovered.
Multnomah County Circuit Judge Eric Bergstrom told Peterson on Monday that "the reality is you love your children and had absolutely no intent to harm your child."'

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Judge Eric Bergstrom is an overaged smartass drunken frat boy barely surviving prelaw seeking female approval. Like most tyrants in black sheets this maggot will bend any rule or common sense in getting criminal females off the hook.

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I must say that it astounds me how the U.S. legal system will move heaven and earth to rationalize the psychotic behaviours of females who mutilate male genitalia. Even when the victim is a defenseless baby, no one seems to care. 5 years probation? Not even a single day in jail? I wonder what sentence a father would get if he removed his daughter's clitoral hood, leaving her bleeding uncontrollably and in agonizing pain. It certainly wouldn't be probation. I'll tell you that much.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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