Considering a cruise vacation? Consider the fact that men are part of the "product"

It seems that there are many companies which effectively pimp men to lonely "single"* women on cruise ships.

Here is one particularly egregious example of a company which provides "gentlemen hosts" to single women on cruises. The men are compensated to a very limited extent with free or very inexpensive cruises and screened to ensure they meet the company's standards for dancing ability, appearance and wardrobe.

Add this to the fact that most guest-contact positions (i.e. well-paid jobs requiring little or no manual labor) on a cruise ship are filled with light-skinned women, while most of the labor-intensive jobs on the lower decks go to darker-skinned men who rarely see the light of day, and you can safely conclude that the cruise industry routinely objectifies men in order to attract women and increase their profits.

Next time you're planning a vacation for yourself or your family, remember to choose someplace else to take your money.

*One other cruising tip: if your wife or girlfriend tells you she wants to take a cruise alone or with her friends, remember that the staff on cruise ships call such women "SWAS", or "single while at sea".

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The sort of stuff that happens in the Caribbean that has been discussed here on MANN already. Looks like this time though it's been tweaked for those who would prefer not to leave the ship and who want a different kind of 'experience', however...

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This is another example of the ways male and female sexualities are perceived and the consequences of such perceptions.

Men sex tourists are furtive, secretive and 'dirty'; they have to go great lengths to pursue their interests in young women in remote places around the world. Women however increasingly have their appetites sated in more sulubrious surroundings, where companies are willing to provide services on a plate for women with little or no shame involved.

All this stems in the differences in how the sexes are seen. Men are 'perverts', to such an extent male sexuality is almost driven underground. Women however are not dirty, indeed women who indulge in 'male' behaviour are rarely pilloried and are in fact applauded for being modern and liberated.

Women demand safety and are accorded it, men are forced to endanger themselves and the women they encounter because male sexuality is reviled and despised.

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