What's your deepest, darkest secret? Moms confess in our survey
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-08-10 19:02
Article here. Excerpt:
- Nearly one in five moms admits medicating their child to get through a special event like a plane flight; one in 12 does it just to get some peace and quiet on a regular night.
- Half have knowingly sent a sick kid to daycare or school.
- 85 percent use their kids to get out of social obligations.
- Nearly one in three uses work as an excuse to avoid taking care of the kids.
And sometimes the secrets are thoughts we don’t dare tell anyone else:
- 44 percent of moms would rather be 15 pounds thinner than add 15 points to their child’s IQ.
- One in four fears their partner is a better parent than they are.
- One in ten wishes their child was the opposite sex – and of those moms, 60 percent have boys.
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Moms are human too
And only that-- human. They are not super-beings that can do no wrong. Motherhood is not sacred. It's a natural role brought about by a natural function called 'getting pregnant'. Same goes with fatherhood. What is wrong and produces endless injustice in our culture is the belief that mom-hood somehow does rise above natural foibles and weaknesses. It doesn't. There are plenty of bad mothers in the world and also bad fathers. The near-universal assumption however that motherhood is somehow not subject to the same problems any person may have in living up to the demands of parenthood in general needs to be rightly undone before justice in such matters as child custody and criminal matters involving parenthood can be had.