Maine continues witch-hunt of innocent man

Paul Elam at "A Voice for Men" writes:

"[Vladek] Filler was exonerated of the false rape charges against him. He was, however, convicted falsely of assaulting his estranged wife, Ligia Filler, by putting a bruise on her arm. The court has scheduled Vladek’s sentencing hearing for August 10, 2011, at 9 am at Hancock County Superior Court in Maine, despite clear evidence that the assault conviction was based on fraud."

"We need people to demand justice for Vladek and his children – not more abuse and imprisonment."

"Respectful emails for Judge Robert Murray of the Hancock County Superior Court, who is presiding over the case, can be sent to They will be forwarded to his office."

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August 6, 2011

Judge Robert E. Murray
Hancock County Superior Court
50 State Street
Ellsworth, Maine 04605

Honorable Judge Robert Murray:

As a concerned citizen of the United States, I’m writing to you today about the case of Vladek Filler, after having been informed that you’ll be presiding over the case.

As a citizen of the United States, I’m outraged that the State of Maine continues what strongly appears to be a systematic persecution of a man “not guilty” of crimes he very clearly appears to be falsely accused of. Based on the clear evidence available, why isn’t the energy of Maine’s “legal system” directed at prosecuting the woman who clearly committed false accusations, instead of persecuting a man that the preponderance of evidence clearly shows is not guilty?

Just because a woman has a bruise, doesn’t mean a man gave her the bruise – even if “she says” a man gave it to her. That alone is clearly “NOT” evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Factor in the accusing woman’s own history of violence and it’s ludicrous not to think that she’s likely the source of her own bruising. If I were a juror in the upcoming case against Vladek Filler, I’d never convict him based on the thoroughly unverified, and most likely bogus, evidence that’s been presented against him thus far in “legal” proceedings.

Moreover, I’m thoroughly appalled that any “legal authority” should bring charges against a man, or anyone, using such “clearly inadequate evidence” as their foundation for the case. Such kangaroo court tactics, operating under the impetus of the Violence Against Women Act, underscores why America’s legal system is no longer a system of laws as much as it is a misandrist hate movement, operating under the Stalinism of gender feminist ideology. Shame on the people who wield such a system and shame on America for allowing it. We the people of America deserve better than a “legal system” that conducts such witch-hunting under color of law.



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