Dr. Phil Show to Feature Male Victims of DV

Via email:

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments is pleased to announce that the Dr. Phil Show will be featuring a program devoted to the topic of male victims of domestic violence. The program will be aired in mid-September. The show will feature SAVE spokesman Philip W. Cook and several male victims of partner abuse.

The decision to devote a program to male victims followed Dr. Phil McGraw's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on July 13, 2011 - see SAVE's July 25 press release:


For more information on how domestic violence programs discriminate against male victims, see SAVE's Special Report:


SAVE applauds the Dr. Phil Show for its recognition and support of all victims of domestic violence.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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I'd love to see Attorney, Marc Angelucci on this show. He's the guy who sued the state of california for discriminating against men in domestic violence shelter and services and WON! Yea, Dr. phil, that's the state you're living in. Duh! :-/

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I know little about Dr Phil, but I sudpect this special on male victims of DV will be less than sympathetic to the victims.

I can imagine the weasel words and shaming language that could be employed here, with the men being interrogated about what they may have done to 'provoke' their partners, or being questioned about their attitudes towards women. Knowing what I know about modern attitudes towards men and DV these male victims had better prepare themselves for some intense scrutiny.

Anyway we'll wait and see how things pan out.

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I've never been a fan of that word. If a woman assaults a man, its a matter of disrespect. Let the feminists consider themselves victims.

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Dr. Phil already had a male victim of DV on his show. He treated it as another "Man Bites Dog" story, constantly prodding the man about what he might have done to provoke the attack. Don't expect an Angelucci on that show anytime soon.

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I see Dr. Phil is a professional manipulator. I'll believe he will give the matter justice when I see it. He has as others have noticed pulled this kind of thing before (assuming it's this kind of thing again). I really am quite skeptical about this guy ever being anything less than a lapdog for feminists since that is his track record, though.

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I agree, Phil (he doesn't deserve the doctor Honorific, as his lies and missinformation have done a great deal of harm to male victims, and for absolutely no good purpose) can not be trusted to do this any justice. At best he will try to justify the man's victimization at the hands of the woman, demonstrating how he "somehow deserved it". At worst, he will turn it around to claim the man was the abuser and the woman was merely fighting back. He is a hack who knows who butters his bread, the feminist media machine. I'll believe it when I see it.

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I have no doubt that the "hack" Dr phil will twist this around and make it look like the woman was the victim.This is the standard mode of operations by him and the many others in the media,and especially on those bias trash daytime TV talk shows.A common staple on these shows is "the woman is always the victim",and it's been that way for decades,because it "sells" and is even considered politically correct.What a world we live in when a male victim by a female gets sneered and laughed at and is sometimes even ridiculed and doubted by the media, and even by the courts at times. This I believe partly to be a product of the feminist propagana machine,however it's also been happening even before the feminist movement took hold.

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Will Dr Phil also send a note to congress letting them know that he, um, lied to them and left out 1/2 of the problem? This would be a better approach since the damage he did will simply sit unnoticed without him calling his own cards. He knows full well that his intentional chivalrist propaganda has gained him plenty of points from the fembots. I find him disgusting.

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