16-YO boy's legal nightmare for viewing internet porn

Story here. Excerpt:

"Police officers stormed into the house with guns pointed. "The first thing I thought was, someone's trying to break in our house," Matthew said. "And then there [were] police officers with guns pointed at me, telling me to get downstairs."

"Matthew did have an embarrassing confession. He had been sneaking peaks at adult erotic photos on the family computer. "I got the Web site from a bunch of friends at school. [It was] just adult pornography…Playboy-like images."

"Arizona child pornography laws are among the harshest in the country. As soon as Matthew was charged, he was put on virtual house arrest, and an electronic bracelet was attached to his ankle to monitor his movements 24 hours a day."

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I may be a bit dense here, but relevance has this to men's rights issues?

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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The growing perception that all men, and now boys are considered potentional pedophiles. How society continues to demonize normal male sexuality. How many of us have sneaked a peak at dad's Playboy collection during our teen years? Natural curosity.

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There is something seriously wrong with a society that will shoot and kill you for having a 2 dimensional image of some naked brat on your computer. And being shot to death in his own home was a real possibility if he or his parents put up any type of physical resistance when they stormed into his home a 6 am. His being labeled a "sex predator" for life after plea dealing down to showing porn to a minor is also an indication of a very sick society. The "porn" was a Playboy mag he took to school and showed his friends who were the same age as him!

This is more of a human rights issue than anything and of a society that has gone mad for the insatiable need for political power.

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Child pornography is wrong by all (ethical, moral, and legal) standards of any “civilized” society. No need to elaborate this point any further.

Unless, of course, you are a pillar of the fem-nazi community:
Crusty Old Pervert

A young man exploring his sexuality usual includes peering at nude women in adult magazines. If every youngster who ever did so were to be branded a sex-offender, IBM could not invent a computer powerful enough to maintain the database!

Having your computer hi-jacked by unscrupulous people, who use it to distribute child pornography, is not uncommon. Unbeknownst to you, your hard drive suddenly becomes a storehouse for images and videos that are marketed to others across the internet. In this way, the perpetrator maintains immunity at your expense. The courts probably are not computer savvy enough to understand how this happens and instead assume the accused intentionally downloaded and stored the smut. Remain vigilant; who is using your computer and for what purposes?

To gaze upon, or otherwise conceive in one’s mind eye, the female body has become a liability increasingly not worth the effort. Why has (western) society elevated 100lbs or so of flesh to such monumental importance? We are a society obsessed with sex!

There is no lack of flaunting the female flesh. If men behaved like most women, we would wear pants that teasingly exposed a portion of our private areas, baiting the trap, waiting for some unsuspecting bimbo to look, then, chastising them for doing so. Women (in western societies) seem to relish temping men, not only for self-validation, but, to entrap and persecute those who dare to take a peek.

It seems bimbos want it all; temptation followed by prosecution.

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How is this not an MRA issue? This is one of the biggest men's rights concerns there is! They are targeting young boys for PERSECUTION based solely on the fact that they are MALE!

How would you feel if your son or a close friend or family member's son was arrested on bogus charges of child porn, and even after a plea deal to drop the child porn charges the state was still trying to get him on the list of the damned?

They are not targeting girl children for false prosecution! They are targeting boys! These boys will grow into men if they do not kill themselves first under the weight of the relentless pressure the state is putting down on them do destroy every shred of maleness in them.

What kinds of men do you think boys falsely labeled as sexual deviants will grow into? Do you really think they have such a bright future that they are not worth giving a shit about.

This issue absolutely does not concern females because they are not in any way negatively affected by it unless it's their son who's being deionized. So you think women are gonna do a God damned thing about it when it in almost no way affects their lives?

Sounds like an MRA issue to me. Who else is going to reverse this disgusting trend. Child porn is bad, the laws concerning it are even worse. We have to take a stand against the current laws because they do absolutely nothing to deal with the problems and unfairly trap far to many innocent or guilty but not dangerous men. The real monsters are not even the slightest bit deterred by these laws let alone stopped.

Trust me Evil white Male, cases like this are but the very tip of the iceberg and it's going to get much much worse. Read the provisions of AWA. There are NO age restrictions regarding who can be added to the National Sex Offender registry. Under AWA no boy is to young to be labeled a monster.

Supporting current sex laws/child porn laws is like supporting systematic castration at birth of every child born male. When we start targeting the children we are supposed to be protecting the laws are WAY off course and need to be withdrawn and rethought from square one. If you don't take a stand your son could be the next one they come for.

How would you like to face an 80% chance of conviction based solely on the word of THE POLICE without any real evidence, victims, or witnesses?

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I admire your passion, but where in the article does it say they are targeting only males?

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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But like every other law concerning sex it is. What laws regarding sex in this day and age target females? How many under age girls who take erotic pictures of themselves to post online or send to their boyfriends do you see in the headlines?

How many little girls get suspended and/or arrested for giving their teachers a hug?

Trust me, they will not go after girls when they go full out with their campaign to catch the predators young.

Teen aged girls produce a heck of allot of self made child porn but yet are almost never prosecuted. Even when I was a teen years ago, I dated girls who gave me polaroid pictures they took of themselves naked in erotic poses. Today with digital imagery and the internet a young girl can make her own porn and share it instantly or even do live web casts for people to see. You are deceived if you think teen girls need to be forced to act erotically by some older predatory man, they know full well what how they can use their bodies as power and they are more then happy to do so in order to take advantage of the boy they like. Teen girls today are more predatory then teen boys have ever been.

Yet, today almost no day goes by where you can't find a new story of a young boy being arrested in an internet sting for child porn.

And it will only get much much worse once AWA is fully enacted.

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