Woman Charged With Domestic Abuse For Assault On Man's Penis

Article here. Excerpt:

'PENN HILLS, Pa. -- A police officer found a man on the street near his Penn Hills home, grabbing his genital area and yelling that a woman hurt him severely.
The victim told police he was sitting on the couch with his father when his girlfriend returned uninvited and pushed open the front door.

The father said it was unprovoked, and he tried to intervene and keep her away from his son.
“The young lady did grab him by his penis and was pulling rather strongly, which forced him to follow her onto the porch and eventually the street area,” said Penn Hills Police Chief Howard Burton.
Kieston Roofner, 23, of Zelienople, was arrested on charges of domestic violence.
Police said they were at the victim’s home, where the couple was fighting before the assault. They said Roofner was asked to leave.'

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Thank God he'll be Okay! When the article said it contained graphic imagery, I was afraid that the ending to this story was a lot more dismal. It scares me how this type of assault appears to be becomming more and more frequent.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Kieston Roofner, 23, of Zelienople, was arrested on charges of domestic violence.

How about charging her with sexual assault? That's what it is, after all.

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where's the "lady" exactly that this ignorant flatfoot refers too? Maybe he ought to re-examine his use of words.

Btw, where was the father here? Couldn't he have been a little more aggressive in getting this psycho scum (yah know, "lady") off his son's genitals? I for one would NEVER let someone come and just grab my son's genitals without throwing her/his ass out the door with prompt (they would be lucky that's all they got too)

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That thought had occurred to me as well, gwallan.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Is this what it's come to? Men so terribly afraid of hitting a woman, that they will allow women to sexually assault and attack them? Men need to be able to defend themselves. The guy should have hit her and forced her to let go of him. After all, he did have his father there as a witness. Yes, yes, I know there are mandatory arrest laws, which indicate he would be the one going to jail, at least in the beginning. Still, men need to be able to defend themselves. I hope some lawyer picks up on this and attacks the mandatory arrest laws, using this case as an example.

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a vulva that was assaulted. A Penis is considered by most people to be a weapon not an organ for sexual pleasure so it does not count when a woman attacks it as a sexual assault. I know it's disgusting but that's the world we live in.

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If I, and we, can do something about it, right?

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Sexual assault should be defined in gender neutral terms, as "unwanted contact or fondling, or physical assault of a person's genitals by another person."

That is what it is, is it not? Somebody making unwanted contact with another person's genitals for their own sick amusement? If the law could be changed to that, that would mean a groin shot would finally be viewed as sexual assault, as it should.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The men's movement needs to pay more attention to the problem of "ball tapping." It's considered funny to kick a boy or a man in the crotch. Never mind the fact that this may render him impotent, cause serious permanent damage to the body, or on-going genital pain. Girls are doing it, even boys doing it to other boys. It's a game, and often done just for the hell of it (no self-defensive motive is required). It is a very serious widespread problem. Yet, it's not considered to be a crime, or even abusive. It makes the episode of this guy in Pennsylvania look petty. If you don't believe me, just check out YouTube and type in "ball tapping".



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The most sickening part of 'ball tapping' is how it's laughed off as trivial. There is as you say serious risk of permanent injury to a man/boy's genitals. This is no trivial thing but an assault on what are effectively visceral organs.

But does everyone here see something more sinister? People willing to laugh at a guy getting kicked in the groin are probably not that far from laughing over a guy having his penis sliced off. It's all part of an emerging disrespect for male sexuality. Women and girls are told to fear it and men and boys are encouraged to laugh/feel ashamed about it. Hence the reactions of the 'ladies' of The Talk.

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