Public shame list of "deadbeat dads"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Those men owe the most on a nine-person wanted poster for non-payment of child support circulated beginning Thursday by Hamilton County Job and Family Services. The seven men and two women on the poster owe a combined $488,000 to 18 children.

"There is really no excuse for shirking your responsibility to financially support your child," said Moira Weir, agency director.'

No excuse? Not even unemployment? Complete and utter poverty?

Excellent resource on the topic here.

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There may be 1-3 legit "dead beat" dad's in the group, but when you take out the top 2, the average debt owed is $15,900. This is an amount that can easily be generated by an extended period of unemployment, sickness/waiting for disability, and/or a dozen other reasons (such as excessive orders for combinations of alimony & child support that exceed after tax incomes).

I was disabled from a rare neurological disorder. I tried not once, but twice for a modification of child support. I was denied BOTH times, and the 2nd time they increased my support, and sacked me (a person who wss then paralyzed in my legs, and without work & health insurance) with 100% of medical expenses instead of 50%. It took almost 2 years to get that far, and finally on the third try I got a modification where the judge says "Oh, those orders were clearly in error", but he couldn't wipe out 20K worth of CS debt generated, and almost that in medical bills from a pair of ER visits for my daughter; he also did not set the amount truly in line with my income, and with any allowance for past wrongfully generated arrears (based upon 18000% of my actual income from that period) -- so I still struggled to make any payments on arrears, and my license went in & out of suspension left & right irregardless of if I paid, didn't pay, or any payment plan I worked out - I still haven't been able to get my passport renewed.

My picture could easily have been on that, through no fault of my own --- and I'm still paying off the arrears, interest, and everything else tacked on 8 years later.

TO boot -- these folks denied me food stamps, and medical coverage during the same period, and I had to fight for SSDI at the same time. All of this could have been avoided if FSD had simply been willing to recognize reality, and acknowledge my support had been set too high from the beginning, and the change in my circumstance was NOT minor, nor "willful unemployment". Its a totally stacked deck when you are there pro se, and you are up against an entire agency that likely had a huge hand in the selection of judges (they were way too chummy for my taste in what I would best describe as a kangaroo court in St Louis County).

I don't think my experience is that unique.

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From my years of observation of guys who are trapped in America's corrupt, evil legal system, your scenario is typical - not unique. Hang in there bro.

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