Confronting Sexist Language

Tom Jacobs has a nice article about confronting sexist language. Please feel free to link - Janice


'A woman who bristles when a male friend or colleague uses sexist language has to make a quick decision: Call him on it, or not? Although she might be personally offended, she may be reluctant to speak up, anticipating his response will be dismissive or defensive.

Research just published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology suggests such fears may be overblown. It describes a carefully structured study in which college-age males are confronted over the use of sexist language — and respond with heightened sensitivity regarding gender issues.'

Ed. note: I posted this so MANN folks could comment in the article about how important it is NOT to assume that only men may make "sexist" comments in the form of assuming the sex of a person based on their line of work, etc. Whenever we encounter these kinds of articles where is is assumed that men are the ones doing the sexist action in question, I feel that MRAs have to reply vigorously to it so the author can reconsider his or her point of view and perhaps learn a few things.

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Thanks for sharing. Yea, as I read it I kept thinking about times at work when Id here some of the girls making jokes or dogging guys. I overheard one young woman say to the girl next to her that she loves it when guys get kicked in the balls, and something else, couldnt make it out. That pissed me off, but minded my own buisness. And some guys do it also got an email once from some guys who where circulating how a guy broke in his ex gf house and ejaculated on her face while she slept. I thought that was very disturbing for them to be circulating, and they sent it to me by accident as the company had more than one Ricky. lol. But it definately goes both ways, I would write something to the author, but it probably wouldnt do anything. The studies where probably started by men anyway. There is even an ignorant comment from a man regarding the article. I think there is an unwritten rule, that men can't complain at all. Its just like a man crying, they say man up, no compassion, sub-human. lol Thanks again.

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My comment, if it ever gets posted:

“I noticed that you said ‘she’ when referring to the nurse. Are you assuming the nurse is female? That’s kind of sexist, don’t you think?”

Last I checked, 99% of nurses are, in fact, female. Apparently, to be non-sexist one must be a willful idiot. Unless you think men can get pregnant, you are sexist (according to these definitions).

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...not to worry because whether she mentions the so-called sexist language or not, she can still reprodce her DAUGHTER cells and pass on her genes if she complains (male "whiners" sometimes aren't so lucky), and still work in her comfortable PR job with benefits and extended maternity leave while her husband works at her SISTER station many more hours a week with a two week paternity leave option. Then she can get in her beatiful and reliable automobile after a hard's days work and really give HER a push down the road. People love their cars, many of them also love to call them SHE for some moronic reason I could never understand. And you can get home and not have to work the next day because you only work a 32 hour week and you can declare "Canada/America! SHE'S a great country isn't SHE. Than she'll wake up to a beautiful summer day and thank MOTHER nature for it.

But I somehow don't think she'll be thanking BIG DADDY GOVERNMENT AND HUSBAND for picking up her slack and providing for her.

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