Breast ironing tradition targeted in Cameroon
Story here. Another story about a horrific practice, but once again just reading the comments between this and the problem in the same country, with the same people, but dealing with males... and the stark contrast in replies. Since this very horrific practice deals with females, it is bad and the government should get involved. If it involves chopping off pieces of male anatomy, or many other issues such as being hunted down and your family harmed because you don't want that anatomy damaged, then it is fun and games. One important part: "Now, charities have embarked on campaigns to educate mothers in Cameroon that sex education -- not breast ironing -- is the solution to ending teenage pregnancy." But to stop males from being affected by sex at a young age, education isn't needed, surgery is. Excerpt:
'(CNN) -- Every morning before school, nine-year-old Terisia Techu would undergo a painful procedure. Her mother would take a burning hot pestle straight out of a fire and use it to press her breasts.
With tears in her eyes as she recalls what it was like, Terisia tells CNN that one day the pestle was so hot, it burned her, leaving a mark. Now 18, she is still traumatized.
Her mother, Grace, denies the incident. But she proudly demonstrates the method she used on her daughter for several weeks, saying the goal was to make her less desirable to boys -- and stave off pregnancy.'
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Anything like this
Anything that causes permanent alteration of a child's anatomy without a compelling and particular medical reason applicable to that child is not something to be tolerated. Bodily integrity is a fundamental human right. This "breast ironing" and anything else that fits the above description needs to stop.
Breast Ironing
I agree. Wether it is male circumcision, female genital mutilation, brutal female rape, or severing penises. This has just got to stop!
It all seems to stem from a desire to control sexuality of another person, when education, better lifestyle choices and criminal prosecution and protective laws are needed.
However, I believe breast ironing is a desperate attempt by mothers to ward off rape as that is what other articles on this subject suggest. The rape situation is so out of control in this part of Africa with little protection available and prosecution unlikely, that mothers are choosing this over rape which sometimes carries over into murder, genital mutilation, lifelong diseases, and pregnancy.
I'm guessing that most of these mothers were victims of rape themselves.
I Concur!
There was once a time in my life where i literally believed that there weren't many people alive who would willingly mutilate another person's genitals. I asked myself, "how is it possible to hate somebody that much?" It makes me sick that I was not only proven wrong, but resoundingly so. Even I had a piece of me taken without my consent!
From all of history's black secrets to the neverending incidents you read about online. Human beings should be better than this! We shouldn't have any desire to lay a single finger on one another, let alone senselessly take a knife or hot iron to the male or female anatomy. I'm glad that I've found others who are as passionate about this issue as I am. Maybe we can start an avalanche and hopefully crush this problem!
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