Male Birth Control? New Contraceptives Making Strides in Research

Article here. Excerpt:

'Elaine Lissner, director of the Male Contraception Information Project, formed a foundation to develop other approaches, the Times reported. One such method, “reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance,” or Risug, involves injecting gel into the scrotum to effectively deactivate sperm.

Another involves briefly heating the testes with ultrasound, which can halt sperm production for months, she told the paper. “I can imagine a world where you take your car in every six months to get your oil changed and go next door and get your ultrasound for 50 bucks," said Blithe.'

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How fitting that the director of such project is a woman.

We males need to stop over rating pussy *and* reclaim our value as something more than sperm producing entities.

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we have always heard the same excuses, one being that men do not want it,
will not use m.b.c., and women can't trust men to use it. kinda sounds like
our socialists/feminists claiming the opposite ground, actually holding their original
ground, and thereby guaranteeing success, for feminists/socialists.

yeah, what guy in his right mind wouldn't want protection from a very possible
lifetime of payment$, and having complete control of his reproduction? oh wait,
that would be women not wanting to have to negotiate with guys to have babie$.

imho a woman being in charge of this research is no accident. a very large part of our economy is based on guys having babie$ when women decide to start a family, and then divorce: not part of the plan for guys to have control.

the biggest lie: companies are worried that men won't buy it. yeah, 1/2 of the people might have a constant use for it, and companies are worried ti might not be profitable? yeah, right.

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I have commented many times on this. but it still holds true. I don't know a single woman that likes birth control and I don't know a single woman or female group that is against the development of birth control for men. And I still continue to see males who reject it. I truly believe this is all in your heads about women preventing or deserving of any blame when it comes to the slow development of male birth control!

The last time I saw this subject on a MRA site (not this one) there was comment after comment from men that said they would not use it personally because of side effects, don't want the inconvenience, would have trouble remembering to take it, they don't have sex often enough, is a woman's issue, etc, etc. although they were all supportive of male birth control being developed and hoped that "other" men would use it. It was really hilarious in my opinion as these same men criticize women for not using birth control and still insist there is a strong demand for MBC.

The only consistent concern I have seen coming from women is the same concerns that also come from men - It is hard to put the trust in the other partner as they may have alterior motives. That is a legitimate concern wether you are male or female.

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Indeed, women in general aren't the ones to blame here, but feminists! The truth is women couldn't stop MBC from being made, even if they wanted to. What would they say to persuade the companies to stop making it, "Ummm, if you make this, then I won't be able to cuckold my boyfriend into supporting me for 18 years..."?

I do believe that MBC's slow development, is at least due in part to feminists realizing what a threat this would be to the pro-female child support industry.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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In response to the idea that feminists are secretly sabotaging male BC.....

Companies are in the business to make money. It would be impossible for a single person to keep them from doing so, and nearly impossible for a organized group to do so. The only way I can think of to block a company from making money on a product or service would be to politically block funding options or impose a tax, which would take a group effort. But if that were the case, you would know about it.

Pharmaceutical companies are extremely large and politically active and they have stock holders to report to. If a group was blocking their funding it would be discussed as stockholders would demand answers. I am not aware of any CEO of a pharmaceutical company ever speaking out and reporting a political resistance to the development of male birth control. If feminist put together a group effort, you would hear about it from their side as well. As far as I know, feminist have never mentioned this issue on their agenda. I have heard nothing but support for MBC from other females (although I hear concern about the trust issue).

As far as child support industry and single motherhood being profitable, I part ways with the MRA. Most single mothers I know are poor. About 90% of single (never married) mothers have babies with poor men that can't even pay for half the cost of a child. Many single mothers live on welfare and do not contribute to the economy. If anything this would be motivation for the government to politically support the development of male birth control, as the economy is hindered by people that take, but don't produce.

The only thing that is stopping the development of male birth control is science itself. Not only does a method have to be invented, but it also has to be delivered into the male's system in a convenient way, and it needs to be cost effective so the average guy can afford it. Companies are only motivated to make a product if is profitable.

I have seen far more evidence that females are excited about MBC compared to men.

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